// Make sure working directory exists and is empty
val wd = os.pwd/"out"/"splash"
// Read/write files
os.write(wd/"file.txt", "hello")
os.read(wd/"file.txt") ==> "hello"
// Perform filesystem operations
os.copy(wd/"file.txt", wd/"copied.txt")
os.list(wd) ==> Seq(wd/"copied.txt", wd/"file.txt")
// Invoke subprocesses
val invoked = os.proc("cat", wd/"file.txt", wd/"copied.txt").call(cwd = wd)
invoked.out.trim ==> "hellohello"
// Chain multiple subprocess' stdin/stdout together
val curl = os.proc("curl", "-L" , "https://git.io/fpvpS").spawn(stderr = os.Inherit)
val gzip = os.proc("gzip", "-n").spawn(stdin = curl.stdout)
val sha = os.proc("shasum", "-a", "256").spawn(stdin = gzip.stdout)
sha.stdout.trim ==> "acc142175fa520a1cb2be5b97cbbe9bea092e8bba3fe2e95afa645615908229e -"
OS-Lib is a simple Scala interface to common OS filesystem and subprocess APIs. OS-Lib aims to make working with files and processes in Scala as simple as any scripting language, while still providing the safety, flexibility and performance you would expect from Scala.
OS-Lib aims to be a complete replacement for the
, java.lang.ProcessBuilder
and scala.sys
APIs. You should not need to drop down to underlying
Java APIs, as OS-Lib exposes all relevant capabilities in an intuitive and
performant way. OS-Lib has no dependencies and is unopinionated: it exposes the
underlying APIs is a concise but straightforward way, without introducing it's
own idiosyncrasies, quirks, or clever DSLs.
If you use OS-Lib and like it, please support it by donating to our Patreon:
Reading & Writing
- os.read
- os.read.bytes
- os.read.chunks
- os.read.lines
- os.read.lines.stream
- os.read.inputStream
- os.write
- os.write.append
- os.write.over
- os.write.outputStream
- os.truncate
Listing & Walking
Manipulating Files & Folders
- os.exists
- os.move
- os.move.into
- os.move.over
- os.copy
- os.copy.into
- os.copy.over
- os.makeDir
- os.makeDir.all
- os.remove
- os.remove.all
- os.hardlink
- os.symlink
- os.followLink
- os.temp
- os.temp.dir
Filesystem Metadata
Filesystem Permissions
Spawning Subprocesses
To begin using OS-Lib, first add it as a dependency to your project's build:
// SBT
"com.lihaoyi" %% "os-lib" % "0.2.7"
// Mill
// Ammonite
import $ivy.`com.lihaoyi::os-lib:0.2.7`
Most operation in OS-Lib take place on os.Paths, which are
constructed from a base path or working directory wd
. Most often, the first
thing to do is to define a wd
path representing the folder you want to work
val wd = os.pwd/"my-test-folder"
You can of course multiple base paths, to use in different parts of your program
where convenient, or simply work with one of the pre-defined paths os.pwd
, or os.home
// Find and concatenate all .txt files directly in the working directory
os.list(wd).filter(_.ext == "txt").map(os.read)
os.read(wd/"all.txt") ==>
"""I am cowI am cow
|Hear me moo
|I weigh twice as much as you
|And I look good on the barbecue""".stripMargin
// Find and concatenate all .txt files directly in the working directory using `cat`
os.proc("cat", os.list(wd).filter(_.ext == "txt")).call(stdout = wd/"all.txt")
os.read(wd/"all.txt") ==>
"""I am cowI am cow
|Hear me moo
|I weigh twice as much as you
|And I look good on the barbecue""".stripMargin
// Curl to temporary file
val temp = os.temp()
os.proc("curl", "-L" , "https://git.io/fpfTs").call(stdout = temp)
os.size(temp) ==> 53814
// Curl to temporary file
val temp2 = os.temp()
val proc = os.proc("curl", "-L" , "https://git.io/fpfTJ").spawn()
os.write.over(temp2, proc.stdout)
os.size(temp2) ==> 53814
// Line-count of all .txt files recursively in wd
val lineCount = os.walk(wd)
.filter(_.ext == "txt")
lineCount ==> 9
// Find the largest three files in the given folder tree
val largestThree = os.walk(wd)
.filter(os.isFile(_, followLinks = false))
.map(x => os.size(x) -> x).sortBy(-_._1)
largestThree ==> Seq(
(711, wd / "misc" / "binary.png"),
(81, wd / "Multi Line.txt"),
(22, wd / "folder1" / "one.txt")
// Move all files inside the "misc" folder out of it
import os.{GlobSyntax, /}
os.list(wd/"misc").map(os.move.matching{case p/"misc"/x => p/x })
// Calculate the word frequency of all the text files in the folder tree
def txt = os.walk(wd).filter(_.ext == "txt").map(os.read)
def freq(s: Seq[String]) = s groupBy (x => x) mapValues (_.length) toSeq
val map = freq(txt.flatMap(_.split("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]"))).sortBy(-_._2)
os.read(arg: os.ReadablePath): String
os.read(arg: os.ReadablePath, charSet: Codec): String
os.read(arg: os.Path,
offset: Long = 0,
count: Int = Int.MaxValue,
charSet: Codec = java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8): String
Reads the contents of a os.Path or other os.Source as a
. Defaults to reading the entire file as UTF-8, but you can
also select a different charSet
to use, and provide an offset
read from if the source supports seeking.
os.read(wd / "File.txt") ==> "I am cow"
os.read(wd / "folder1" / "one.txt") ==> "Contents of folder one"
os.read(wd / "Multi Line.txt") ==>
"""I am cow
|Hear me moo
|I weigh twice as much as you
|And I look good on the barbecue""".stripMargin
os.read.bytes(arg: os.ReadablePath): Array[Byte]
os.read.bytes(arg: os.Path, offset: Long, count: Int): Array[Byte]
Reads the contents of a os.Path or os.Source as an
; you can provide an offset
to read from if the source
supports seeking.
os.read.bytes(wd / "File.txt") ==> "I am cow".getBytes
os.read.bytes(wd / "misc" / "binary.png").length ==> 711
os.read.chunks(p: ReadablePath, chunkSize: Int): os.Generator[(Array[Byte], Int)]
os.read.chunks(p: ReadablePath, buffer: Array[Byte]): os.Generator[(Array[Byte], Int)]
Reads the contents of the given path in chunks of the given size; returns a generator which provides a byte array and an offset into that array which contains the data for that chunk. All chunks will be of the given size, except for the last chunk which may be smaller.
Note that the array returned by the generator is shared between each callback; make sure you copy the bytes/array somewhere else if you want to keep them around.
Optionally takes in a provided input buffer
instead of a chunkSize
allowing you to re-use the buffer between invocations.
val chunks = os.read.chunks(wd / "File.txt", chunkSize = 2)
.map{case (buf, n) => buf.take(n).toSeq } // copy the buffer to save the data
chunks ==> Seq(
Seq[Byte]('I', ' '),
Seq[Byte]('a', 'm'),
Seq[Byte](' ', 'c'),
Seq[Byte]('o', 'w')
os.read.lines(arg: os.ReadablePath): IndexedSeq[String]
os.read.lines(arg: os.ReadablePath, charSet: Codec): IndexedSeq[String]
Reads the given os.Path or other os.Source as a string
and splits it into lines; defaults to reading as UTF-8, which you can override
by specifying a charSet
os.read.lines(wd / "File.txt") ==> Seq("I am cow")
os.read.lines(wd / "Multi Line.txt") ==> Seq(
"I am cow",
"Hear me moo",
"I weigh twice as much as you",
"And I look good on the barbecue"
os.read.lines(arg: os.ReadablePath): os.Generator[String]
os.read.lines(arg: os.ReadablePath, charSet: Codec): os.Generator[String]
Identical to os.read.lines, but streams the results back to you in a os.Generator rather than accumulating them in memory. Useful if the file is large.
os.read.lines.stream(wd / "File.txt").count() ==> 1
os.read.lines.stream(wd / "Multi Line.txt").count() ==> 4
// Streaming the lines to the console
for(line <- os.read.lines.stream(wd / "Multi Line.txt")){
os.read.inputStream(p: ReadablePath): java.io.InputStream
Opens a java.io.InputStream
to read from the given file.
val is = os.read.inputStream(wd / "File.txt") // ==> "I am cow"
is.read() ==> 'I'
is.read() ==> ' '
is.read() ==> 'a'
is.read() ==> 'm'
is.read() ==> ' '
is.read() ==> 'c'
is.read() ==> 'o'
is.read() ==> 'w'
is.read() ==> -1
os.write(target: Path,
data: os.Source,
perms: PermSet = null,
createFolders: Boolean = false): Unit
Writes data from the given file or os.Source to a file at the target os.Path. You can specify the filesystem permissions of the newly created file by passing in a os.PermSet.
This throws an exception if the file already exists. To over-write or append to an existing file, see os.write.over or os.write.append.
By default, this creates any necessary enclosing folders; you can disable this
behavior by setting createFolders = false
os.write(wd / "New File.txt", "New File Contents")
os.read(wd / "New File.txt") ==> "New File Contents"
os.write(wd / "NewBinary.bin", Array[Byte](0, 1, 2, 3))
os.read.bytes(wd / "NewBinary.bin") ==> Array[Byte](0, 1, 2, 3)
os.write.append(target: Path,
data: os.Source,
perms: PermSet = null,
createFolders: Boolean = false): Unit
Similar to os.write, except if the file already exists this appends the written data to the existing file contents.
os.read(wd / "File.txt") ==> "I am cow"
os.write.append(wd / "File.txt", ", hear me moo")
os.read(wd / "File.txt") ==> "I am cow, hear me moo"
os.write.append(wd / "File.txt", ",\nI weigh twice as much as you")
os.read(wd / "File.txt") ==>
"I am cow, hear me moo,\nI weigh twice as much as you"
os.read.bytes(wd / "misc" / "binary.png").length ==> 711
os.write.append(wd / "misc" / "binary.png", Array[Byte](1, 2, 3))
os.read.bytes(wd / "misc" / "binary.png").length ==> 714
os.write.over(target: Path,
data: os.Source,
perms: PermSet = null,
offset: Long = 0,
createFolders: Boolean = false,
truncate: Boolean = true): Unit
Similar to os.write, except if the file already exists this
over-writes the existing file contents. You can also pass in truncate = false
to avoid truncating the file if the new contents is shorter than the old
contents, and an offset
to the file you want to write to.
os.read(wd / "File.txt") ==> "I am cow"
os.write.over(wd / "File.txt", "You are cow")
os.read(wd / "File.txt") ==> "You are cow"
os.write.over(wd / "File.txt", "We ", truncate = false)
os.read(wd / "File.txt") ==> "We are cow"
os.write.over(wd / "File.txt", "s", offset = 8, truncate = false)
os.read(wd / "File.txt") ==> "We are sow"
os.write.outputStream(target: Path,
perms: PermSet = null,
createFolders: Boolean = false,
openOptions: Seq[OpenOption] = Seq(CREATE, WRITE))
Open a java.io.OutputStream
to write to the given file.
val out = os.write.outputStream(wd / "New File.txt")
os.read(wd / "New File.txt") ==> "Hello"
os.truncate(p: Path, size: Long): Unit
Truncate the given file to the given size. If the file is smaller than the given size, does nothing.
os.read(wd / "File.txt") ==> "I am cow"
os.truncate(wd / "File.txt", 4)
os.read(wd / "File.txt") ==> "I am"
os.list(p: Path): IndexedSeq[Path]
os.list(p: Path, sort: Boolean = true): IndexedSeq[Path]
Returns all the files and folders directly within the given folder. If the given path is not a folder, raises an error. Can be called via os.list.stream to stream the results. To list files recursively, use os.walk.
For convenience os.list
sorts the entries in the folder before returning
them. You can disable sorted by passing in the flag sort = false
os.list(wd / "folder1") ==> Seq(wd / "folder1" / "one.txt")
os.list(wd / "folder2") ==> Seq(
wd / "folder2" / "nestedA",
wd / "folder2" / "nestedB"
os.list.stream(p: Path): os.Generator[Path]
Similar to os.list, except provides a os.Generator of results rather than accumulating all of them in memory. Useful if the result set is large.
os.list.stream(wd / "folder2").count() ==> 2
// Streaming the listed files to the console
for(line <- os.list.stream(wd / "folder2")){
os.walk(path: Path,
skip: Path => Boolean = _ => false,
preOrder: Boolean = true,
followLinks: Boolean = false,
maxDepth: Int = Int.MaxValue,
includeTarget: Boolean = false): IndexedSeq[Path]
Recursively walks the given folder and returns the paths of every file or folder within.
You can pass in a skip
callback to skip files or folders you are not
interested in. This can avoid walking entire parts of the folder hierarchy,
saving time as compared to filtering them after the fact.
By default, the paths are returned as a pre-order traversal: the enclosing
folder is occurs first before any of it's contents. You can pass in preOrder = false
to turn it into a post-order traversal, such that the enclosing folder
occurs last after all it's contents.
returns but does not follow symlinks; pass in followLinks = true
override that behavior. You can also specify a maximum depth you wish to walk
via the maxDepth
does not include the path given to it as part of the traversal by
default. Pass in includeTarget = true
to make it do so. The path appears at
the start of the traversal of preOrder = true
, and at the end of the traversal
if preOrder = false
os.walk(wd / "folder1") ==> Seq(wd / "folder1" / "one.txt")
os.walk(wd / "folder1", includeTarget = true) ==> Seq(
wd / "folder1",
wd / "folder1" / "one.txt"
os.walk(wd / "folder2") ==> Seq(
wd / "folder2" / "nestedA",
wd / "folder2" / "nestedA" / "a.txt",
wd / "folder2" / "nestedB",
wd / "folder2" / "nestedB" / "b.txt"
os.walk(wd / "folder2", preOrder = false) ==> Seq(
wd / "folder2" / "nestedA" / "a.txt",
wd / "folder2" / "nestedA",
wd / "folder2" / "nestedB" / "b.txt",
wd / "folder2" / "nestedB"
os.walk(wd / "folder2", maxDepth = 1) ==> Seq(
wd / "folder2" / "nestedA",
wd / "folder2" / "nestedB"
os.walk(wd / "folder2", skip = _.last == "nestedA") ==> Seq(
wd / "folder2" / "nestedB",
wd / "folder2" / "nestedB" / "b.txt"
os.walk.attrs(path: Path,
skip: (Path, os.BasicStatInfo) => Boolean = (_, _) => false,
preOrder: Boolean = true,
followLinks: Boolean = false,
maxDepth: Int = Int.MaxValue,
includeTarget: Boolean = false): IndexedSeq[(Path, os.BasicStatInfo)]
Similar to os.walk, except it also provides the os.BasicStatInfo
filesystem metadata of every path that it returns. Can save time by allowing you
to avoid querying the filesystem for metadata later. Note that
does not include filesystem ownership and permissions data;
use os.stat
on the path if you need those attributes.
val filesSortedBySize = os.walk.attrs(wd / "misc", followLinks = true)
.sortBy{case (p, attrs) => attrs.size}
.collect{case (p, attrs) if attrsisFile => p}
filesSortedBySize ==> Seq(
wd / "misc" / "echo",
wd / "misc" / "file-symlink",
wd / "misc" / "echo_with_wd",
wd / "misc" / "folder-symlink" / "one.txt",
wd / "misc" / "binary.png"
os.walk.stream(path: Path,
skip: Path => Boolean = _ => false,
preOrder: Boolean = true,
followLinks: Boolean = false,
maxDepth: Int = Int.MaxValue,
includeTarget: Boolean = false): os.Generator[Path]
Similar to os.walk, except returns a os.Generator of the results rather than accumulating them in memory. Useful if you are walking very large folder hierarchies, or if you wish to begin processing the output even before the walk has completed.
os.walk.stream(wd / "folder1").count() ==> 1
os.walk.stream(wd / "folder2").count() ==> 4
os.walk.stream(wd / "folder2", skip = _.last == "nestedA").count() ==> 2
os.walk.stream.attrs(path: Path,
skip: (Path, os.BasicStatInfo) => Boolean = (_, _) => false,
preOrder: Boolean = true,
followLinks: Boolean = false,
maxDepth: Int = Int.MaxValue,
includeTarget: Boolean = false): os.Generator[(Path, os.BasicStatInfo)]
Similar to os.walk.stream, except it also provides the filesystem metadata of every path that it returns. Can save time by allowing you to avoid querying the filesystem for metadata later.
def totalFileSizes(p: os.Path) = os.walk.stream.attrs(p)
.collect{case (p, attrs) if attrs.isFile => attrs.size}
totalFileSizes(wd / "folder1") ==> 22
totalFileSizes(wd / "folder2") ==> 40
os.exists(p: Path, followLinks: Boolean = true): Boolean
Checks if a file or folder exists at the specified path
os.exists(wd / "File.txt") ==> true
os.exists(wd / "folder1") ==> true
os.exists(wd / "doesnt-exist") ==> false
os.exists(wd / "misc" / "file-symlink") ==> true
os.exists(wd / "misc" / "folder-symlink") ==> true
os.exists(wd / "misc" / "broken-symlink") ==> false
os.exists(wd / "misc" / "broken-symlink", followLinks = false) ==> true
os.move(from: Path, to: Path): Unit
os.move(from: Path, to: Path, createFolders: Boolean): Unit
Moves a file or folder from one path to another. Errors out if the destination path already exists, or is within the source path.
os.list(wd / "folder1") ==> Seq(wd / "folder1" / "one.txt")
os.move(wd / "folder1" / "one.txt", wd / "folder1" / "first.txt")
os.list(wd / "folder1") ==> Seq(wd / "folder1" / "first.txt")
os.list(wd / "folder2") ==> Seq(wd / "folder2" / "nestedA", wd / "folder2" / "nestedB")
os.move(wd / "folder2" / "nestedA", wd / "folder2" / "nestedC")
os.list(wd / "folder2") ==> Seq(wd / "folder2" / "nestedB", wd / "folder2" / "nestedC")
os.read(wd / "File.txt") ==> "I am cow"
os.move(wd / "Multi Line.txt", wd / "File.txt", replaceExisting = true)
os.read(wd / "File.txt") ==>
"""I am cow
|Hear me moo
|I weigh twice as much as you
|And I look good on the barbecue""".stripMargin
os.move.matching(t: PartialFunction[Path, Path]): PartialFunction[Path, Unit]
can also be used as a transformer, via os.move.matching
. This lets
you use .map
or .collect
on a list of paths, and move all of them at once,
e.g. to rename all .txt
files within a folder tree to .data
import os.{GlobSyntax, /}
os.walk(wd / "folder2") ==> Seq(
wd / "folder2" / "nestedA",
wd / "folder2" / "nestedA" / "a.txt",
wd / "folder2" / "nestedB",
wd / "folder2" / "nestedB" / "b.txt"
os.walk(wd/'folder2).collect(os.move.matching{case p/g"$x.txt" => p/g"$x.data"})
os.walk(wd / "folder2") ==> Seq(
wd / "folder2" / "nestedA",
wd / "folder2" / "nestedA" / "a.data",
wd / "folder2" / "nestedB",
wd / "folder2" / "nestedB" / "b.data"
os.move.into(from: Path, to: Path): Unit
Move the given file or folder into the destination folder
os.list(wd / "folder1") ==> Seq(wd / "folder1" / "one.txt")
os.move.into(wd / "File.txt", wd / "folder1")
os.list(wd / "folder1") ==> Seq(wd / "folder1" / "File.txt", wd / "folder1" / "one.txt")
os.move.over(from: Path, to: Path): Unit
Move a file or folder from one path to another, and overwrite any file or folder than may already be present at that path
os.list(wd / "folder2") ==> Seq(wd / "folder2" / "nestedA", wd / "folder2" / "nestedB")
os.move.over(wd / "folder1", wd / "folder2")
os.list(wd / "folder2") ==> Seq(wd / "folder2" / "one.txt")
os.copy(from: Path, to: Path): Unit
os.copy(from: Path, to: Path, createFolders: Boolean): Unit
Copy a file or folder from one path to another. Recursively copies folders with all their contents. Errors out if the destination path already exists, or is within the source path.
os.list(wd / "folder1") ==> Seq(wd / "folder1" / "one.txt")
os.copy(wd / "folder1" / "one.txt", wd / "folder1" / "first.txt")
os.list(wd / "folder1") ==> Seq(wd / "folder1" / "first.txt", wd / "folder1" / "one.txt")
os.list(wd / "folder2") ==> Seq(wd / "folder2" / "nestedA", wd / "folder2" / "nestedB")
os.copy(wd / "folder2" / "nestedA", wd / "folder2" / "nestedC")
os.list(wd / "folder2") ==> Seq(
wd / "folder2" / "nestedA",
wd / "folder2" / "nestedB",
wd / "folder2" / "nestedC"
os.read(wd / "File.txt") ==> "I am cow"
os.copy(wd / "Multi Line.txt", wd / "File.txt", replaceExisting = true)
os.read(wd / "File.txt") ==>
"""I am cow
|Hear me moo
|I weigh twice as much as you
|And I look good on the barbecue""".stripMargin
`os.copy` can also be used as a transformer:
os.copy.matching(t: PartialFunction[Path, Path]): PartialFunction[Path, Unit]
This lets you use .map
or .collect
on a list of paths, and copy all of them
at once:
paths.map(os.copy.matching{case p/"scala"/file => p/"java"/file})
os.copy.into(from: Path, to: Path): Unit
Copy the given file or folder into the destination folder
os.list(wd / "folder1") ==> Seq(wd / "folder1" / "one.txt")
os.copy.into(wd / "File.txt", wd / "folder1")
os.list(wd / "folder1") ==> Seq(wd / "folder1" / "File.txt", wd / "folder1" / "one.txt")
os.copy.over(from: Path, to: Path): Unit
Similar to os.copy, but if the destination file already exists then overwrite it instead of erroring out.
os.list(wd / "folder2") ==> Seq(wd / "folder2" / "nestedA", wd / "folder2" / "nestedB")
os.copy.over(wd / "folder1", wd / "folder2")
os.list(wd / "folder2") ==> Seq(wd / "folder2" / "one.txt")
os.makeDir(path: Path): Unit
os.makeDir(path: Path, perms: PermSet): Unit
Create a single directory at the specified path. Optionally takes in a os.PermSet to specify the filesystem permissions of the created directory.
Errors out if the directory already exists, or if the parent directory of the specified path does not exist. To automatically create enclosing directories and ignore the destination if it already exists, using os.makeDir.all
os.exists(wd / "new_folder") ==> false
os.makeDir(wd / "new_folder")
os.exists(wd / "new_folder") ==> true
os.makeDir.all(path: Path): Unit
os.makeDir.all(path: Path,
perms: PermSet = null,
acceptLinkedDirectory: Boolean = true): Unit
Similar to os.makeDir, but automatically creates any necessary
enclosing directories if they do not exist, and does not raise an error if the
destination path already containts a directory. Also does not raise an error if
the destination path contains a symlink to a directory, though you can force it
to error out in that case by passing in acceptLinkedDirectory = false
os.exists(wd / "new_folder") ==> false
os.makeDir.all(wd / "new_folder" / "inner" / "deep")
os.exists(wd / "new_folder" / "inner" / "deep") ==> true
os.remove(target: Path): Unit
Remove the target file or folder. Folders need to be empty to be removed; if you want to remove a folder tree recursively, use os.remove.all
os.exists(wd / "File.txt") ==> true
os.remove(wd / "File.txt")
os.exists(wd / "File.txt") ==> false
os.exists(wd / "folder1" / "one.txt") ==> true
os.remove(wd / "folder1" / "one.txt")
os.remove(wd / "folder1")
os.exists(wd / "folder1" / "one.txt") ==> false
os.exists(wd / "folder1") ==> false
When removing symbolic links, it is the link that gets removed, and not it's destination:
os.remove(wd / "misc" / "file-symlink")
os.exists(wd / "misc" / "file-symlink", followLinks = false) ==> false
os.exists(wd / "File.txt", followLinks = false) ==> true
os.remove(wd / "misc" / "folder-symlink")
os.exists(wd / "misc" / "folder-symlink", followLinks = false) ==> false
os.exists(wd / "folder1", followLinks = false) ==> true
os.exists(wd / "folder1" / "one.txt", followLinks = false) ==> true
os.remove(wd / "misc" / "broken-symlink")
os.exists(wd / "misc" / "broken-symlink", followLinks = false) ==> false
If you wish to remove the destination of a symlink, use os.readLink.
os.remove.all(target: Path): Unit
Remove the target file or folder; if it is a folder and not empty, recursively removing all it's contents before deleting it.
os.exists(wd / "folder1" / "one.txt") ==> true
os.remove.all(wd / "folder1")
os.exists(wd / "folder1" / "one.txt") ==> false
os.exists(wd / "folder1") ==> false
When removing symbolic links, it is the links that gets removed, and not it's destination:
os.remove.all(wd / "misc" / "file-symlink")
os.exists(wd / "misc" / "file-symlink", followLinks = false) ==> false
os.exists(wd / "File.txt", followLinks = false) ==> true
os.remove.all(wd / "misc" / "folder-symlink")
os.exists(wd / "misc" / "folder-symlink", followLinks = false) ==> false
os.exists(wd / "folder1", followLinks = false) ==> true
os.exists(wd / "folder1" / "one.txt", followLinks = false) ==> true
os.remove.all(wd / "misc" / "broken-symlink")
os.exists(wd / "misc" / "broken-symlink", followLinks = false) ==> false
If you wish to remove the destination of a symlink, use os.readLink.
os.hardlink(src: Path, dest: Path, perms): Unit
Create a hardlink to the source path from the destination path
os.hardlink(wd / "File.txt", wd / "Linked.txt")
os.exists(wd / "Linked.txt")
os.read(wd / "Linked.txt") ==> "I am cow"
os.isLink(wd / "Linked.txt") ==> false
os.symlink(link: Path, dest: FilePath, perms: PermSet = null): Unit
Create a symbolic to the source path from the destination path. Optionally takes a os.PermSet to customize the filesystem permissions of the symbolic link.
os.symlink(wd / "File.txt", wd / "Linked.txt")
os.exists(wd / "Linked.txt")
os.read(wd / "Linked.txt") ==> "I am cow"
os.isLink(wd / "Linked.txt") ==> true
You can create symlinks with either absolute os.Path
s or relative os.RelPath
os.symlink(wd / "File.txt", os.rel/ "Linked2.txt")
os.exists(wd / "Linked2.txt")
os.read(wd / "Linked2.txt") ==> "I am cow"
os.isLink(wd / "Linked2.txt") ==> true
Creating absolute and relative symlinks respectively. Relative symlinks are resolved relative to the enclosing folder of the link.
os.readLink(src: Path): os.FilePath
os.readLink.absolute(src: Path): os.Path
Returns the immediate destination of the given symbolic link.
os.readLink(wd / "misc" / "file-symlink") ==> os.up / "File.txt"
os.readLink(wd / "misc" / "folder-symlink") ==> os.up / "folder1"
os.readLink(wd / "misc" / "broken-symlink") ==> os.rel / "broken"
os.readLink(wd / "misc" / "broken-abs-symlink") ==> os.root / "doesnt" / "exist"
Note that symbolic links can be either absolute os.Path
s or relative
s, represented by os.FilePath
. You can also use os.readLink.all
to automatically resolve relative symbolic links to their absolute destination:
os.readLink.absolute(wd / "misc" / "file-symlink") ==> wd / "File.txt"
os.readLink.absolute(wd / "misc" / "folder-symlink") ==> wd / "folder1"
os.readLink.absolute(wd / "misc" / "broken-symlink") ==> wd / "misc" / "broken"
os.readLink.absolute(wd / "misc" / "broken-abs-symlink") ==> os.root / "doesnt" / "exist"
os.followLink(src: Path): Option[Path]
Attempts to any deference symbolic links in the given path, recursively, and return the
canonical path. Returns None
if the path cannot be resolved (i.e. some
symbolic link in the given path is broken)
os.followLink(wd / "misc" / "file-symlink") ==> Some(wd / "File.txt")
os.followLink(wd / "misc" / "folder-symlink") ==> Some(wd / "folder1")
os.followLink(wd / "misc" / "broken-symlink") ==> None
os.temp(contents: os.Source = null,
dir: Path = null,
prefix: String = null,
suffix: String = null,
deleteOnExit: Boolean = true,
perms: PermSet = null): Path
Creates a temporary file. You can optionally provide a dir
to specify where
this file lives, file-prefix
and file-suffix
to customize what it looks
like, and a os.PermSet to customize its filesystem permissions.
Passing in a os.Source will initialize the contents of that file to the provided data; otherwise it is created empty.
By default, temporary files are deleted on JVM exit. You can disable that
behavior by setting deleteOnExit = false
val tempOne = os.temp("default content")
os.read(tempOne) ==> "default content"
os.write.over(tempOne, "Hello")
os.read(tempOne) ==> "Hello"
os.temp.dir(dir: Path = null,
prefix: String = null,
deleteOnExit: Boolean = true,
perms: PermSet = null): Path
Creates a temporary directory. You can optionally provide a dir
to specify
where this file lives, a prefix
to customize what it looks like, and a
os.PermSet to customize its filesystem permissions.
By default, temporary directories are deleted on JVM exit. You can disable that
behavior by setting deleteOnExit = false
val tempDir = os.temp.dir()
os.list(tempDir) ==> Nil
os.write(tempDir / "file", "Hello")
os.list(tempDir) ==> Seq(tempDir / "file")
os.stat(p: os.Path, followLinks: Boolean = true): os.StatInfo
Reads in the basic filesystem metadata for the given file. By default follows
symbolic links to read the metadata of whatever the link is pointing at; set
followLinks = false
to disable that and instead read the metadata of the
symbolic link itself.
os.stat(wd / "File.txt").size ==> 8
os.stat(wd / "Multi Line.txt").size ==> 81
os.stat(wd / "folder1").fileType ==> os.FileType.Dir
os.stat.full(p: os.Path, followLinks: Boolean = true): os.FullStatInfo
Reads in the full filesystem metadata for the given file. By default follows
symbolic links to read the metadata of whatever the link is pointing at; set
followLinks = false
to disable that and instead read the metadata of the
symbolic link itself.
os.stat.full(wd / "File.txt").size ==> 8
os.stat.full(wd / "Multi Line.txt").size ==> 81
os.stat.full(wd / "folder1").fileType ==> os.FileType.Dir
os.isFile(p: Path, followLinks: Boolean = true): Boolean
Returns true
if the given path is a file. Follows symbolic links by default,
pass in followLinks = false
to not do so.
os.isFile(wd / "File.txt") ==> true
os.isFile(wd / "folder1") ==> false
os.isFile(wd / "misc" / "file-symlink") ==> true
os.isFile(wd / "misc" / "folder-symlink") ==> false
os.isFile(wd / "misc" / "file-symlink", followLinks = false) ==> false
os.isDir(p: Path, followLinks: Boolean = true): Boolean
Returns true
if the given path is a folder. Follows symbolic links by default,
pass in followLinks = false
to not do so.
os.isDir(wd / "File.txt") ==> false
os.isDir(wd / "folder1") ==> true
os.isDir(wd / "misc" / "file-symlink") ==> false
os.isDir(wd / "misc" / "folder-symlink") ==> true
os.isDir(wd / "misc" / "folder-symlink", followLinks = false) ==> false
os.isLink(p: Path, followLinks: Boolean = true): Boolean
Returns true
if the given path is a symbolic link. Follows symbolic links by
default, pass in followLinks = false
to not do so.
os.isLink(wd / "misc" / "file-symlink") ==> true
os.isLink(wd / "misc" / "folder-symlink") ==> true
os.isLink(wd / "folder1") ==> false
os.size(p: Path): Long
Returns the size of the given file, in bytes
os.size(wd / "File.txt") ==> 8
os.size(wd / "Multi Line.txt") ==> 81
os.mtime(p: Path): Long
os.mtime.set(p: Path, millis: Long): Unit
Gets or sets the last-modified timestamp of the given file, in milliseconds
os.mtime.set(wd / "File.txt", 0)
os.mtime(wd / "File.txt") ==> 0
os.mtime.set(wd / "File.txt", 90000)
os.mtime(wd / "File.txt") ==> 90000
os.mtime(wd / "misc" / "file-symlink") ==> 90000
os.mtime.set(wd / "misc" / "file-symlink", 70000)
os.mtime(wd / "File.txt") ==> 70000
os.mtime(wd / "misc" / "file-symlink") ==> 70000
assert(os.mtime(wd / "misc" / "file-symlink", followLinks = false) != 40000)
os.perms(p: Path, followLinks: Boolean = true): PermSet
os.perms.set(p: Path, arg2: PermSet): Unit
Gets or sets the filesystem permissions of the given file or folder, as an os.PermSet.
Note that if you want to create a file or folder with a given set of
permissions, you can pass in an os.PermSet to os.write
or os.makeDir. That will ensure the file or folder is created
atomically with the given permissions, rather than being created with the
default set of permissions and having os.perms.set
over-write them later
os.perms.set(wd / "File.txt", "rwxrwxrwx")
os.perms(wd / "File.txt").toString() ==> "rwxrwxrwx"
os.perms(wd / "File.txt").toInt() ==> Integer.parseInt("777", 8)
os.perms.set(wd / "File.txt", Integer.parseInt("755", 8))
os.perms(wd / "File.txt").toString() ==> "rwxr-xr-x"
os.perms.set(wd / "File.txt", "r-xr-xr-x")
os.perms.set(wd / "File.txt", Integer.parseInt("555", 8))
os.owner(p: Path, followLinks: Boolean = true): UserPrincipal
os.owner.set(arg1: Path, arg2: UserPrincipal): Unit
os.owner.set(arg1: Path, arg2: String): Unit
Gets or sets the owner of the given file or folder. Note that your process needs
to be running as the root
user in order to do this.
val originalOwner = os.owner(wd / "File.txt")
os.owner.set(wd / "File.txt", "nobody")
os.owner(wd / "File.txt").getName ==> "nobody"
os.owner.set(wd / "File.txt", originalOwner)
os.group(p: Path, followLinks: Boolean = true): GroupPrincipal
os.group.set(arg1: Path, arg2: GroupPrincipal): Unit
os.group.set(arg1: Path, arg2: String): Unit
Gets or sets the owning group of the given file or folder. Note that your
process needs to be running as the root
user in order to do this.
val originalOwner = os.owner(wd / "File.txt")
os.owner.set(wd / "File.txt", "nobody")
os.owner(wd / "File.txt").getName ==> "nobody"
os.owner.set(wd / "File.txt", originalOwner)
Subprocess are spawned using os.proc(command: os.Shellable*).foo(...)
where the command: Shellable*
sets up the basic command you wish to run and
specifies how you want to run it. os.Shellable
represents a value
that can make up part of your subprocess command, and the following values can
be used as os.Shellable
T: Numeric
s of any of the above
Most of the subprocess commands also let you redirect the subprocess's
streams via os.ProcessInput
or os.ProcessOutput
values: whether to inherit them from the parent process, stream them into
buffers, or output them to files. The following values are common to both input
and output:
: the default, this connects the subprocess's stream to the parent process via pipes; if used on its stdin this lets the parent process write to the subprocess viaos.SubProcess#stdin
, and if used on its stdout it lets the parent process read from the subprocess viaos.SubProcess#stdout
. -
: inherits the stream from the parent process. This lets the subprocess read directly from the paren process's standard input or write directly to the parent process's standard output or error -
: connects the subprocess's stream to the given filesystem path, reading it's standard input from a file or writing it's standard output/error to the file.
In addition, you can pass any os.Sources to a Subprocess's stdin
s, InputStream
s, Array[Byte]
s, ...), and pass in a
value to stdout
to register callbacks that are run
when output is received on those streams.
Often, if you are only interested in capturing the standard output of the
subprocess but want any errors sent to the console, you might set stderr = os.Inherit
while leaving stdout = os.Pipe
os.proc(command: os.Shellable*)
.call(cwd: Path = null,
env: Map[String, String] = null,
stdin: ProcessInput = Pipe,
stdout: ProcessOutput = Pipe,
stderr: ProcessOutput = Pipe,
mergeErrIntoOut: Boolean = false,
timeout: Long = Long.MaxValue,
check: Boolean = true,
propagateEnv: Boolean = true): os.CommandResult
Invokes the given subprocess like a function, passing in input and returning a
. You can then call result.exitCode
to see how it exited, or
or result.err.string
to access the aggregated stdout and
stderr of the subprocess in a number of convenient ways.
provides a number of parameters that let you configure how the subprocess
is run:
: the working directory of the subprocessenv
: any additional environment variables you wish to set in the subprocessstdin
: any data you wish to pass to the subprocess's standard inputstdout
: these areos.Redirect
s that let you configure how the processes output/error streams are configured.mergeErrIntoOut
: merges the subprocess's stderr stream into it's stdouttimeout
: how long to wait for the subprocess to completecheck
: disable this to avoid throwing an exception if the subprocess fails with a non-zero exit codepropagateEnv
: disable this to avoid passing in this parent process's environment variables to the subprocess
Note that redirecting stdout
elsewhere means that the respective
values will be empty.
val res = os.proc('ls, wd/"folder2").call()
res.exitCode ==> 0
res.out.string ==>
res.out.trim ==>
res.out.lines ==> Seq(
// Non-zero exit codes throw an exception by default
val thrown = intercept[os.SubprocessException]{
os.proc('ls, "doesnt-exist").call(cwd = wd)
assert(thrown.result.exitCode != 0)
// Though you can avoid throwing by setting `check = false`
val fail = os.proc('ls, "doesnt-exist").call(cwd = wd, check = false)
assert(fail.exitCode != 0)
fail.out.string ==> ""
assert(fail.err.string.contains("No such file or directory"))
// You can pass in data to a subprocess' stdin
val hash = os.proc("shasum", "-a", "256").call(stdin = "Hello World")
hash.out.trim ==> "a591a6d40bf420404a011733cfb7b190d62c65bf0bcda32b57b277d9ad9f146e -"
// Taking input from a file and directing output to another file
os.proc("base64").call(stdin = wd / "File.txt", stdout = wd / "File.txt.b64")
os.read(wd / "File.txt.b64") ==> "SSBhbSBjb3c="
If you want to spawn an interactive subprocess, such as vim
, less
, or a
shell, set all of stdin
to os.Inherit
os.proc("vim").call(stdin = os.Inherit, stdout = os.Inherit, stderr = os.Inherit)
os.proc(command: os.Shellable*)
.stream(cwd: Path = null,
env: Map[String, String] = null,
onOut: (Array[Byte], Int) => Unit,
onErr: (Array[Byte], Int) => Unit,
stdin: ProcessInput = Pipe,
stdout: ProcessOutput = Pipe,
stderr: ProcessOutput = Pipe,
mergeErrIntoOut: Boolean = false,
timeout: Long = Long.MaxValue,
propagateEnv: Boolean = true): Int
Similar to os.proc.call, but instead of aggregating the process's
standard output/error streams for you, you pass in onOut
callbacks to
receive the data as it is generated.
Note that the Array[Byte]
buffer you are passed in onOut
shared from callback to callback, so if you want to preserve the data make
sure you read the it out of the array rather than storing the array (which
will have its contents over-written next callback.
All calls to the onOut
callbacks take place on the main thread.
Redirecting stdout
elsewhere means that the respective
callbacks will not be triggered
Returns the exit code of the subprocess once it terminates
var lineCount = 1
os.proc('find, ".").stream(
cwd = wd,
onOut = (buf, len) => lineCount += buf.slice(0, len).count(_ == '\n'),
onErr = (buf, len) => () // do nothing
lineCount ==> 21
os.proc(command: os.Shellable*)
.spawn(cwd: Path = null,
env: Map[String, String] = null,
stdin: os.ProcessInput = os.Pipe,
stdout: os.ProcessOutput = os.Pipe,
stderr: os.ProcessOutput = os.Pipe,
mergeErrIntoOut: Boolean = false,
propagateEnv: Boolean = true): os.SubProcess
The most flexible of the os.proc
calls, os.proc.spawn
simply configures and
starts a subprocess, and returns it as a os.SubProcess
. os.SubProcess
is a
simple wrapper around java.lang.Process
, which provides stdin
, stdout
, and
streams for you to interact with however you like. e.g. You can sending
commands to it's stdin
and reading from it's stdout
To implement pipes, you can spawn a process, take it's stdout, and pass it as the stdin of a second spawned process.
Note that if you provide ProcessOutput
callbacks to stdout
, the
calls to those callbacks take place on newly spawned threads that execute in
parallel with the main thread. Thus make sure any data processing you do in
those callbacks is thread safe! For simpler cases, it may be easier to use
os.proc.stream which triggers it's onOut
all on the calling thread, avoiding needing to think about multithreading and
concurrency issues.
, stdout
and stderr
are java.lang.OutputStream
s and
s enhanced with the .writeLine(s: String)
methods for easy reading and writing of character and line-based data.
// Start a long-lived python process which you can communicate with
val sub = os.proc("python", "-u", "-c", "while True: print(eval(raw_input()))")
.spawn(cwd = wd)
// Sending some text to the subprocess
sub.stdin.write("1 + 2")
sub.stdin.writeLine("+ 4")
sub.stdout.readLine() ==> "7"
sub.stdin.write("'1' + '2'")
sub.stdin.writeLine("+ '4'")
sub.stdout.readLine() ==> "124"
// Sending some bytes to the subprocess
sub.stdin.write("1 * 2".getBytes)
sub.stdin.write("* 4\n".getBytes)
sub.stdout.read() ==> '8'.toByte
// You can chain multiple subprocess' stdin/stdout together
val curl = os.proc("curl", "-L" , "https://git.io/fpfTs").spawn(stderr = os.Inherit)
val gzip = os.proc("gzip", "-n").spawn(stdin = curl.stdout)
val sha = os.proc("shasum", "-a", "256").spawn(stdin = gzip.stdout)
sha.stdout.trim ==> "acc142175fa520a1cb2be5b97cbbe9bea092e8bba3fe2e95afa645615908229e -"
OS-Lib uses strongly-typed data-structures to represent filesystem paths. The two basic versions are:
- os.Path: an absolute path, starting from the root
- os.RelPath: a relative path, not rooted anywhere
Generally, almost all commands take absolute os.Path
s. These are basically
s with additional guarantees:
s are always absolute. Relative paths are a separate type os.RelPath -
s are always canonical. You will never find.
segments in them, and never need to worry about calling.normalize
before operations.
Absolute paths can be created in a few ways:
// Get the process' Current Working Directory. As a convention
// the directory that "this" code cares about (which may differ
// from the pwd) is called `wd`
val wd = os.pwd
// A path nested inside `wd`
// A path starting from the root
// A path with spaces or other special characters
wd/"My Folder"/"My File.txt"
// Up one level from the wd
// Up two levels from the wd
Note that there are no in-built operations to change the os.pwd
. In general
you should not need to: simply defining a new path, e.g.
val target = os.pwd/'target
Should be sufficient for most needs.
Above, we made use of the os.pwd
built-in path. There are a number of Paths
built into Ammonite:
: The current working directory of the process. This can't be changed in Java, so if you need another path to work with the convention is to define aos.wd
: The root of the filesystem.os.home
: The home directory of the current user.os.temp()
: Creates a temporary file/folder and returns the path.
s represent relative paths. These are basically defined as:
class RelPath private[ops] (segments0: Array[String], val ups: Int)
The same data structure as Paths, except that they can represent a number of ups before the relative path is applied. They can be created in the following ways:
// The path "folder/file"
val rel1 = os.rel/'folder/'file
val rel2 = os.rel/"folder"/"file"
// The path "file"
val rel3 = os.rel/'file
// The relative difference between two paths
val target = os.pwd/'target/'file
assert((target.relativeTo(os.pwd)) == os.rel/'target/'file)
// `up`s get resolved automatically
val minus = os.pwd.relativeTo(target)
val ups = os.up/os.up
assert(minus == ups)
In general, very few APIs take relative paths. Their main purpose is to be combined with absolute paths in order to create new absolute paths. e.g.
val target = os.pwd/'target/'file
val difference = target.relativeTo(os.pwd)
val newBase = os.root/'code/'server
assert(newBase/difference == os.root/'code/'server/'target/'file)
is a relative path that comes in-built:
val target = os.root/'target/'file
assert(target/os.up == os.root/'target)
Note that all paths, both relative and absolute, are always expressed in a canonical manner:
assert((os.root/'folder/'file/up).toString == "/folder")
// not "/folder/file/.."
assert(('folder/'file/up).toString == "folder")
// not "folder/file/.."
So you don't need to worry about canonicalizing your paths before comparing them for equality or otherwise manipulating them.
OS-Lib's paths are transparent data-structures, and you can always access the segments and ups directly. Nevertheless, Ammonite defines a number of useful operations that handle the common cases of dealing with these paths:
In this definition, ThisType represents the same type as the current path; e.g. a Path's / returns a Path while a RelPath's / returns a RelPath. Similarly, you can only compare or subtract paths of the same type.
Apart from os.RelPaths themselves, a number of other data
structures are convertible into os.RelPaths when spliced into a
path using /
s whereT
is convertible into a RelPathSeq[T]
s whereT
is convertible into a RelPath
Apart from built-ins like os.pwd
or os.root
or os.home
, you can also
construct Paths from String
s, java.io.File
s or java.nio.file.Path
val relStr = "hello/cow/world/.." val absStr = "/hello/world"
RelPath(relStr) == 'hello/'cow,
// Path(...) also allows paths starting with ~,
// which is expanded to become your home directory
Path(absStr) == root/'hello/'world
// You can also pass in java.io.File and java.nio.file.Path
// objects instead of Strings when constructing paths
val relIoFile = new java.io.File(relStr)
val absNioFile = java.nio.file.Paths.get(absStr)
RelPath(relIoFile) == 'hello/'cow,
Path(absNioFile) == root/'hello/'world,
Path(relIoFile, root/'base) == root/'base/'hello/'cow
Trying to construct invalid paths fails with exceptions:
val relStr = "hello/.."
val absStr = "/hello"
val tooManyUpsStr = "/hello/../.."
As you can see, attempting to parse a relative path with os.Path or
an absolute path with os.RelPath throws an exception. If you're
uncertain about what kind of path you are getting, you could use BasePath
parse it :
val relStr = "hello/cow/world/.."
val absStr = "/hello/world"
FilePath(relStr) == 'hello/'cow,
FilePath(absStr) == root/'hello/'world
This converts it into a BasePath
, which is either a os.Path or
os.RelPath. It's then up to you to pattern-match on the types and
decide what you want to do in each case.
You can also pass in a second argument to Path(..., base)
. If the path being
parsed is a relative path, this base will be used to coerce it into an absolute
val relStr = "hello/cow/world/.."
val absStr = "/hello/world"
val basePath: FilePath = FilePath(relStr)
os.Path(relStr, os.root/'base) == os.root/'base/'hello/'cow,
os.Path(absStr, os.root/'base) == os.root/'hello/'world,
os.Path(basePath, os.root/'base) == os.root/'base/'hello/'cow,
os.Path(".", os.pwd).last != ""
For example, if you wanted the common behavior of converting relative paths to
absolute based on your current working directory, you can pass in os.pwd
the second argument to Path(...)
. Apart from passing in Strings or
java.io.Files or java.nio.file.Paths, you can also pass in BasePaths you parsed
early as a convenient way of converting it to a absolute path, if it isn't
already one.
In general, OS-Lib is very picky about the distinction between relative and absolute paths, and doesn't allow "automatic" conversion between them based on current-working-directory the same way many other filesystem APIs (Bash, Java, Python, ...) do. Even in cases where it's uncertain, e.g. you're taking user input as a String, you have to either handle both possibilities with BasePath or explicitly choose to convert relative paths to absolute using some base.
In addition to manipulating paths on the filesystem, you can also manipulate
in order to read resources off of the Java classpath. By
default, the path used to load resources is absolute, using the
val contents = os.read(os.resource/'test/'ammonite/'ops/'folder/"file.txt")
assert(contents.contains("file contents lols"))
You can also pass in a classloader explicitly to the resource call:
val cl = getClass.getClassLoader
val contents2 = os.read(os.resource(cl)/'test/'ammonite/'ops/'folder/"file.txt")
assert(contents2.contains("file contents lols"))
If you want to load resources relative to a particular class, pass in a class for the resource to be relative, or getClass to get something relative to the current class.
val cls = classOf[test.os.Testing]
val contents = os.read(os.resource(cls)/'folder/"file.txt")
assert(contents.contains("file contents lols"))
val contents2 = os.read(os.resource(getClass)/'folder/"file.txt")
assert(contents2.contains("file contents lols"))
In both cases, reading resources is performed as if you did not pass a leading
slash into the getResource("foo/bar")
call. In the case of
, passing in a leading slash is never valid, and in the
case of Class#getResource
, passing in a leading slash is equivalent to calling
on the ClassLoader.
OS-Lib ensures you only use the two valid cases in the API, without a leading
slash, and not the two cases with a leading slash which are redundant (in the
case of Class#getResource
, which can be replaced by ClassLoader#getResource
or invalid (a leading slash with ClassLoader#getResource
Note that you can only use os.read
from resource paths; you can't write to them or
perform any other filesystem operations on them, since they're not really files.
Note also that resources belong to classloaders, and you may have multiple classloaders in your application e.g. if you are running in a servlet or REPL. Make sure you use the correct classloader (or a class belonging to the correct classloader) to load the resources you want, or else it might not find them.
Many operations in OS-Lib operate on os.Source
s. These represent values that
can provide data which you can then use to write, transmit, etc.
By default, the following types of values can be used where-ever os.Source
are required:
(these are treated as UTF-8)java.io.InputStream
- Any
of the above: e.g.Seq[String]
, etc.
Some operations only work on os.SeekableSource
, because they need the ability
to seek to specific offsets in the data. Only the following types of values can
be used where os.SeekableSource
is required:
You can also convert an os.Path
or os.ResourcePath
to an os.Source
Taken from the geny library, os.Generator
are similar to iterators except instead of providing:
def hasNext(): Boolean
def next(): T
s provide:
def generate(handleItem: A => Generator.Action): Generator.Action
In general, you should not notice much of a difference using Generator
s vs
using Iterators
: you can use the same .map
operations on them, and convert them to collections via the same
/etc. conversions. The main difference is that Generator
can enforce cleanup after traversal completes, so we can ensure open files are
closed and resources are released without any accidental leaks.
s represent the filesystem permissions on a single file or folder.
Anywhere an os.PermSet
is required, you can pass in values of these types:
s of the form"rw-r-xrwx"
, withr
representing the permissions that are present or dashes-
representing the permissions which are absent -
s of the formInteger.parseInt("777", 8)
, matching the octal755
syntax used on the command line -
In places where os.PermSet
s are returned to you, you can then extract the
string, int or set representations of the os.PermSet
perms.toInt(): Int
perms.toString(): String
perms.value: Set[PosixFilePermission]
Narrow return type of
Fix handling of standaline
, since it is just the last path segment of the stat call and doesn't properly reflect the actual name of the file on disk (e.g. on case-insensitive filesystems) -
now provides aos.BasicFileInfo
to theskip
predicate. -
, which returns the section of the path before theos.BasePath#ext
methods to read the contents of symbolic links without dereferencing them. -
os.read.chunked(p: Path, chunkSize: Int): os.Generator[(Array[Byte], Int)]
method for conveniently iterating over chunks of a file -
os.truncate(p: Path, size: Int)
method -
streams now implementjava.io.DataInput
for convenience -
streams are now synchronized for thread-safety -
now hascreateFolders
default tofalse
now has a.withFilter
method -
now allows relative paths -
now properly removes broken symlinks, and no longer recurses into the symlink's contents -
now implementsjava.lang.AutoCloseable
counterpart toread.channel
) -
is now modelled internally as a boxedInt
for performance, and is a case class with properequals
os.read.bytes(arg: Path, offset: Long, count: Int)
no longer leaks open file channels -
Reversed the order of arguments in
, to match the order of the underlying java NIO functions.
- Allow chaining of multiple subprocesses
- First release