Login was fixed (check credits) however some endpoints remain broken or missing, and as always, I am not liable for anything that happens to your account as a result of using the library.
Simple Web Skype implementation for C#.
Best .NET Skype API (by default)
By reading this project's source code, compiling as a binary, redistributing assets found in this repository, etc, or ANY form of use, you must agree to the license enlisted below.
If you do anything cool with this library, be sure to tell me :)
See: https://github.com/lin-e/Skype4Sharp/blob/master/LICENSE.md
I don't endorse any of them, mainly cause they're just bad.
- SimpleSkype (I feel like I have to add this, cause it's my own plugin-based bot running this API)
- ChatMembersChanged
- ContactReceived
- ContactRequestReceived
- MessageEdited
- MessageReceived
- TopicChange
- CallStarted
- UserRoleChanged
- GroupPictureChanged
- FileReceived
- PictureReceived
- [Ghost] (https://github.com/NotGGhost/) Skidded so much code off him. Also, the authentication code.
yung trump has permission to skid aids code to c#
- SpongyBacon Helped with any issues I was having (a.k.a. "moral support")
- Knackrack615 Testing
- XeroxDev
Look at the example bot for a working template, but if you really need full documentation, I'll provide it below. The example is in C# Console, but it should be easy enough to adapt.
Logging in
static Skype4Sharp.Skype4Sharp mainSkype;
static SkypeCredentials authCreds = new SkypeCredentials("USERNAME", "PASSWORD");
static void Main(string[] args)
mainSkype = new Skype4Sharp.Skype4Sharp(authCreds);
Setting events
mainSkype.messageReceived += MainSkype_messageReceived;
mainSkype.contactRequestReceived += MainSkype_contactRequestReceived;
// Do the rest of the events yourself, these are the two most important ones in my opinion
Accepting a contact
private static void MainSkype_contactRequestReceived(ContactRequest sentRequest)
Declining a contact
private static void MainSkype_contactRequestReceived(ContactRequest sentRequest)
Sending a group message, editing it and more
private static void MainSkype_messageReceived(ChatMessage pMessage)
ChatMessage rMessage = pMessage.Chat.SendMessage("Processing your message...");
rMessage.Body = "Second message";
rMessage.Type = MessageType.RichText;
rMessage.Body = "<b>THIS IS BOLD</b>";
Messaging a user
ChatMessage rMessage = mainSkype.SendMessage("c0mmodity", "Hello me!");
Adding or removing a user
mainSkype.AddUser("c0mmodity", "I'd like to add you on Skype!");
Interacting with a chat (put in context, so it's easier for me to explain)
private static void MainSkype_messageReceived(ChatMessage pMessage)
Chat newChat = pMessage.Chat;
Console.WriteLine("The chat's topic is {0}", newChat.Topic);
newChat.Topic = "Skype4Sharp";
Console.WriteLine("My role in this chat is '{0}'", newChat.Role.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("c0mmodity is a(n) {0}", newChat.UserRole("c0mmodity").ToString());
Logging a call
private void MainSkype_callStarted(Chat originChat, User eventInitiator)
Console.WriteLine("[EVENT]: CALL_STARTED > {0} ({1})", originChat.ID, eventInitiator.Username);
If you have any issues, feel free to message me on Skype ('c0mmodity') or eMail me. My eMail is on my profile.
Q : Why didn't you sell this?
A : It's not my code to sell. Also, as Skype4COM is bad enough as it is, you C# devs deserve options.
Q : This isn't working! I need help.
A : No. I don't offer formal support. If you really are stuck, message me on Skype (found in the Contacts section).
Q : I have a new feature I'd like for you to add.
A : Sure! Please raise it as an issue and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Q : Can I sell this code?
A : No. Read LICENSE.md if you want a more detailed answer, but you cannot sell my code as is, without any obvious modifications.
Q : feature is broken, what can I do?
A : Raise it as an issue, and I'll sort it out when I can. Please understand that I'm not paid for this, and I do have real world commitments.
Q : Wow! This is amazing, how can I help? (yeah, no-one's actually said this, but it'd be nice, y'know?)
A : You can donate to me via Bitcoin (1EugenekHHxybWkaeb566mnUKtpfEiyPSu), or just send me a nice message 😄