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Lisa Melton edited this page Jul 5, 2024 · 2 revisions

Using subtitles

The other-transcode.rb tool can add one or more image- or text-based subtitles as separate tracks. It can also burn a single image-based subtitle into the video track, essentially combining the subtitle and video.

Image-based subtitles are the type typically included on Blu-ray Discs and DVDs. Text-based subtitles are the type found in downloaded media.

Be aware that some video players cannot display image-based subtitle tracks.

Subtitle tracks can have a "forced" attribute. This means that a video player will select and force that subtitle to appear automatically. Usually this is because the subtitle is necessary to understand dialogue in a foreign language.

Blu-ray Discs and DVDs often have a subtitle pre-burned into their video. Such a subtitle won't exist as a separate track.

But just as often, Blu-ray Discs and DVDs have a subtitle track with its "forced" attribute set. Care must be taken during ripping, or post-processing of the ripped media, to make sure that the "forced" attribute is retained.

Downloaded media also can have a subtitle track with its "forced" attribute set.

To automatically add any "forced" image- or text-based subtitle as a separate track, use:

other-transcode.rb --add-subtitle auto C:\Rips\Movie.mkv

To automatically burn any "forced" image-based subtitle into the video, use:

other-transcode.rb --burn-subtitle auto C:\Rips\Movie.mkv

In either case, no subtitle is added or burned if the input does not contain a subtitle with its "forced" attribute set.

Subtitles can also be added or burned by track number. To add the third subtitle, use:

other-transcode.rb --add-subtitle 3 C:\Rips\Movie.mkv

To also set the forced attribute in that same added subtitle, use:

other-transcode.rb --add-subtitle 3=forced C:\Rips\Movie.mkv

To instead burn the third subtitle, use:

other-transcode.rb --burn-subtitle 3 C:\Rips\Movie.mkv

Subtitles can also be added by language or title.

To add, for example, all English-language tracks, use the three-letter code, in ISO 639-2 format, for that language:

other-transcode.rb --add-subtitle eng C:\Rips\Movie.mkv

If a subtitle track is titled "Director Commentary" for example, it can be added with a case-insensitive sub-string comparison like this:

other-transcode.rb --add-subtitle commentary C:\Rips\Movie.mkv

If multiple --add-subtitle options would add the same track, then that track is only added once. The --add-subtitle option will also not add any burned track.

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