Super Monkey Ball Fight is a 2D network-based fighting game based on the Monkey Fight minigame from Super Monkey Ball. In this game, players attempt to knock each other off the battlefield by running into each other or dropping bananas to have the other player slip off the edge.
Super Monkey Ball Fight is a python-based game using python version 2.6.
Additionally, the users must have the Twisted and PyGame libraries in
order to connect and run the game. To start the game, one person can
start the server, used for updating the changes to the game state and
distributing the updates to the players, by executing the command:
. The player running the server must be on the
machine ''. Once the server is running, the players
can connect by each running a player script. For instance, the first
player can run the command: python
and the second player
can run the command: python
. Once both players are
connected the game will begin.
The game starts once both players have successfully connected to the server. Once the first player connects, the player will be sent to a waiting screen while waiting for another player to join the game. To start, player 1 will spawn in the upper left corner of the battlefield, while player 2 will spawn in the lower right corner of the battlefield. The objective of the game is to knock your opponent off of the grid. The opponent is knocked backwards by running your character into your opponent. To move your character, use the arrow keys to move in the desired direction. By holding two arrow keys at once, a player can move diagonally. A player has a stock of bananas that increments every few seconds. If a player has any bananas and is moving, pressing the spacebar will drop a banana behind the player. If a player collides with a banana, then the player will be temporarily stuck sliding in the direction they were moving when the collision occurred. The game will continue until one player has been knocked off the battlefield. Once a player has been knocked off the map, both players' game windows will close and the players are notified of the winner within their terminal window. Players can also quit early by exiting from the game window or by pressing the escape key, but either method will end the current game. Once a game is over, the server will need to be restarted. After the server is restarted, both players can reconnect and player another round. If the server connection to either client is lost, then the game will end and the server will need to be restarted before playing again.