Welcome to the Portfolio website for myself, Lloyd Richards. This website is a personal project to showcase my work and experiments. It is built with Next.js and TypeScript, and uses Tailwind CSS for styling. As a digital curriculum vitae, it include what works, education, and volunteer projects I have been involved in.
The website is also a place for me to experiment with new technologies and concepts. This includes data visualization, 3D graphics, and creative coding.
This project uses the following technologies:
- Next.js - React Framework
- TypeScript - Typed JavaScript
- Tailwind CSS - Utility-first CSS framework
- shadcn/ui - UI components
- contentlayer - Content management
- D3.js - Data visualization library
- Framer Motion - Animation library
In addition, for the lab modules, the following technologies are experimented with:
- three.js - 3D library
- p5 - Creative coding library
- visx - Data visualization library
- leva - GUI for debugging
- fp-ts - Functional programming library
- anime.js - Animation library
- matter.js - Physics engine
For the JS runtime, this project uses Bun, make sure to have it installed. Then make sure to install the dependencies:
bun install
To run the development server:
bun dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
This project uses Storybook for component development. To run it:
bun storybook
Open http://localhost:6006 with your browser to see the result.