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Project specification

lovek323 edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 1 revision

This is the original post I made on the MHF web site (

There’s a lot of great information on this site, but because of the nature of a forum, there are some drawbacks (not meant as criticisms): the information isn’t always presented very professionally, there is a fair amount of information to sift through to find something useful, and it can be difficult to visualise ASCII maths.

I came up with the idea of creating an MHF book based on all the questions, answers, tips, etc. I would probably split the site up into multiple books based on the year of the original post (or, if that got too large, the year and month). Credit would be given to the original solution provider and links (or something else) would be given to the original post. The real changes would be in layout (solutions would be cleaned up if necessary) and typesetting.

I would not intend to make any profit from this and it would be released under some sort of creative commons licence and made freely available.

I know that I found the exercises/solutions manuals and past exams very helpful when studying for my maths exams at university, and I think such an MHF book could be similarly helpful.

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