This project use yarn, so it is recommended to not use npm. Proceed with install yarn (This installs all dependencies):
$ yarn add
To develop on goerli testnet as required in hardhat.config.ts create a .env file and insert the following keys: MNEMONIC="*************" PRIVATE_KEY="********" INFURA_API_KEY="*****" INFURA_API_SECRET="******" ALCHEMY_API_KEY="**********" ALCHEMY_API_URL="**********" ETHERSCAN_API_KEY="*************"
Also adapt PRIVATE_KEY used in hardhat.config.ts
run the following to deploy the contracts and be able to have artifacts, their abis and bytescode:
$ yarn hardhat compile
run the following to execute the program:
$ yarn hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts
Goal of this script is to fetch prices but furtherly to be reused as module to interact with others more advanced programs.