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Cloning Twitter with Rails 4

I posted this Rails 4 Development Map for myself to review in the future. Also, this repo helped me earn my first + second SoftEng jobs!!!

  1. The Must-Know Core:

    a. RAILS command-line: rails generate xxx, rails server, rails console

    • RAKE tasks: db:migrate (VERSION=0), db:rollback, test:prepare, db:reset, assets:precompile
    • Git & Heroku

    b. Flexible DB-schema with "migrations"

    c. MODEL as a soft DB-manipulater with: "validations", "associations", "callbacks", has_secure_password, and business logics

    d. RAILS app-dev as RESOURCE manipulation via Controller-and-View(s):

    • CONTROLLER: RESTful & custom methods linked with VIEW(s), execute application logics, have "strong parameters" and "filters"
    • VIEW(s): "layouts", "templates", and "partials" with Bootstrap-HTML
    • HELPER(s): extracting codes to achieve DRY

    e. Different ROUTING(s):

    • RESTful routes
    • custom routes
    • named routes
  2. Additions for a Good Junior:

    a. TDD with RSpec:

    • 3 test levels: models, helpers, & requests
    • spec/*_helper.rb configs
    • spec/support functions
    • factory_girl
    • capybara

    b. RAKE task: db:populate

  3. Advanced(s) for a Senior/Full-stack:

    • Gems Hunting
    • CSS styling
    • JS-related stuffs
    • More configs: config/environments, configs/initializers & config/application.rb.


Ruby on Rails 4.0 in a nutshell






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