An app for keeping track of personal contacts
- Docker
- Docker Compose
Has three components:
- db - a postgres database
- app - a Django app served using gunicorn
- web - an nginx server for routing traffic to app and serving static files
PRODUCTION=true SECRET_KEY=<secret> nice -19 docker-compose up -d --no-build
docker-compose up --build
docker run -e SECRET_KEY=test -e CI=true lucas42/lucos_contacts_app ./ test agents.tests comms.tests lucosauth.tests
(on machine with docker installed)
docker exec lucos_contacts-db-1 pg_dump --user postgres postgres > /tmp/contacts.sql
(on machine with docker & docker-compose installed)
docker compose exec db dropdb --user postgres postgres
docker compose exec db createdb --user postgres postgres
(on machine with docker & docker-compose installed) Assuming the backup file is available over ssh on another machine, run the following commands:
docker compose exec db apk add openssh-client
docker compose exec db scp <user@hostname>:/tmp/contacts.sql /tmp/contacts.sql
docker compose exec db sh -c 'dropdb --user postgres postgres && createdb --user postgres postgres'
(To wipe data, if there's an existing DB)docker compose exec db sh -c 'psql --user postgres postgres < /tmp/contacts.sql'
- SECRET_KEY a secret used by django for lots of its security mechanisms. To generate a new one, run
docker-compose exec app python shell -c "from import get_random_secret_key; print(get_random_secret_key())"
- PRODUCTION Set in a production environment, as it increases security protections. Not setting it will give detailed debug pages on error.