Assortment of random scripts
This script list all your AWS EC2 instances, and format the output in a nice table:
| Name | Private IP | Public IP | Type | State | Launch Time |
| RentOS 1.0.10 | | None | t2.micro | running | 2017-08-25 14:44:33+00:00 |
| evaluations | | None | t2.micro | running | 2016-05-18 16:11:53+00:00 |
| prod-mongodb | | None | t2.large | running | 2016-12-27 11:44:13+00:00 |
| prod-monyog | | None | t2.large | running | 2016-09-16 14:22:57+00:00 |
This shell was desingned to run inside a jenkins step: it receive a json (which is the return of the AWS code deploy cli call) and then monitors the code deploy until it finishes. If the deploy fails, jenkins will receive the failure.
stage("Deploy") {
sh "aws deploy create-deployment --region ${appRegion} " +
"--application-name ${appName} " +
"--deployment-group ${appEnv} " +
"--revision '{" +
" \"revisionType\": \"S3\"," +
" \"s3Location\": {" +
" \"bucket\": \"${appBucket}\"," +
" \"key\": \"jobs/Rentcars/${appName}/${env.BRANCH_NAME}/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}/${env.BUILD_TAG}.tar.gz\"," +
" \"bundleType\": \"tgz\"" +
" }" +
"}' | tee output.json"
sh "waitDeploy output.json ${appRegion}"
Script to clone all repos from some gitlab organization.
Script to clone all repos from some github organization.
Calculates and return the true memory used by the system. Usefull for monitoring scripts (Made for an old cacti server)
Custom healthcheck. It returns the CPU load true memory usage and some trivial data from the machine. Made as a custom health check for AWS. The return is curl-friendly.
luis.brandao@pc144 ~ $ curl
Used memory: 64%
5 min load: 0.34
Number of cores 4
My set of pos-install scripts for fedora.
Scripts to automate some bucket operations
Pos-deploy branch sync script.