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  • Van Builds 101 is a blog focused on diy campervans. Offering advice and insit into building your own campervan and what is the best materials to use. There is also a section to show photos of campervans to help other users get inspiration for their own builds.

Table of contents

  1. Project Planning
  2. UX
  3. CRUD
  4. Testing
  5. Bugs
  6. Deployment
  7. Credits
  8. Acknowledgments

Project Planning


Post Model

id Field
title CharField
slug SlugField
author CharField
excerpt TextField
created on DateTimeField
content textField
featured_image CloudinaryField
status IntegerField
likes ManyToManyField

Comment Model

id Field
post ForeignKey
name CharField
email Emailfield
body TextField
created on DateTimeField
approved BooleanField

Image Model

id Field
title CharField
slug SlugField
excerpt TextField
gallery_image CloudinaryField
author ForeignKey
approved BooleanField

UX Design

Site Goal

The goal of the site is to create a platform for online communication. To create an engaging experience to provide a userful edication for the Vanlife community.




The design philosophy for this site is a easy to navigate and read site. As this site will be hosting articles that provides information, I want to make getting to the particular blog and reading it a minimal effort.

Agile Methodology

  • The principles of agile methodology were implemented during the project. By assigning user stories to issues and utilizing the GitHub Kanban board, the necessary project goals could be easliy prioritized. Labels were used to fine tune the priority of each user story.

To see Kanban please click here

Once I completed a task I would tick the appropriate box and if all parts of this story were completed I would move it from in progress to completed.

At the end of a coding session I would update the user stories with a comment of:

  • What was done
  • What is left to be done

User Stories


  • I can view a list of blog posts so that I can select which blog post to read.
  • I can click on a post so that I can view the full article text.
  • I can register an account so that I can add posts, comment, and like posts.
  • I can leave comments on posts so that I can engage in discussion with users.
  • I want to be able to submit a blog post to publish.
  • I can view the number of likes on a post to be able engage with the blog community.


  • I can read, create, edit, and delete posts so that I can manage the blog's content
  • I can approve or disapprove comments so that I can filter out objectionable comments
  • I can delete messages so that I can clean out any unwanted comments
  • I can create draft posts so that I can finish writing the content later

NINTH User stories

  • I can utilize a map API capability so that I can use the map to locate useful related locations



Desktop View while user is logged out/unregistered: Navbar

  • The desktop navigation consists of a a Home blog and Gallery button.
  • The user is shown the login and register links when not logged in.
  • When user is logged in they are shown just the log out link.
  • If the user is a superuser they will then also have access to creat a new post.



Landing Page




Sign In


Sign Out


Leave a Comment/ Like a Post






Future Features

  • Map API: This would be a feature for log-in users, where there is a map section that shows locations of campsites, supply stores, view points and simialr locations that would be useful for campervan owners.
  • Gallery Image cards: This is in the gallery page. When a user clicks on a gallery image card, it would expand to show more images grouped with the first card. This would allow users to have more detailed photos of their van in the one card. Improving the UX of the page.




  • Create Blog Post View


  • Create Gallery Image



  • Read Post detail


  • Read Gallery Section



  • Update Blog Post


  • Update Gallery Image



  • Delete Blog Post


  • Delete Gallery Image


Technologies Used

  1. Python - Used for the logic in this project
  2. Github - For code repository and code version control.
  3. Heroku - To deploy the live application.
  4. Gitpod - Cload based code editor used.
  5. LucidCharts - Used for flow chart creation.
  6. Django - Framework used to build this project. Provides a ready installed admin panel and includes many helper template tags that make writing code quick and efficient.
  7. Bootstrap - Used as the base front end framework to work alongside Django.
  8. Elephant SQL - Was used as the database for this project during development and in production.
  9. Cloudinary - Used to host the static files for this project including user profile images.
  10. Git - Used for version control throughout the project and to ensure a good clean record of work done was maintained.

Installed Packages

  • django<4' gunicorn
  • dj_database_url psycopg2
  • dj3-cloudinary-storage
  • django-summernote
  • django-allauth
  • django-crispy-forms
  • pillow


Manual Testing

Each user story was manually tested in line with intended functionality on both desktop & mobile. As this project was driven by my own User Stories I felt manual testing was applicable on all logic code.

If the intended outcome completes then this will be flagged as pass. If it does not then this is a fail.

Account Registration Tests

Test Result
User can create account Pass
User can log into account Pass
User can log out of account Pass

User Navigation Tests

Test Result
User can navigate to blog posts Pass
User access gallery Pass
SuperUser can access admin panel Pass

Account Security Tests

Test Result
Non logged in user cannot edit posts Pass
Non logged in user cannot edit gallery images Pass
Non logged in user cannot access profiles Pass
Non logged in user cannot add gallery images Pass
Non superuser cannot access admin panel Pass
Non superuser cannot update gallery images Pass
Non superuser cannot delete gallery images Pass
Non superuser cannot delete posts Pass

Admin Tests

Test Result
Admin can add a new Post Pass
Admin can add photos Pass
Admin can edit posts Pass
Admin can delete posts Pass

Google Lighthouse



Html Checker


  • When i ran the W3 Html validator, i got 2 error messages for stray elements. I was not expecting these.
  • Upon a review, I could see that these tags where being added by Django at the end of my Post_detail html when it loads with the base.html.


To deploy the project through Heroku I followed these steps:

  • Sign up / Log in to Heroku
  • From the main Heroku Dashboard page select 'New' and then 'Create New App'
  • Give the project a name - I decided on the devils kitchen and selected EU as that is the closes region to me.
  • After this you select select create app.
  • The name for the app must be unique or you will not be able to continue.
  • Heroku will create the app and bring you to the deploy tab.
  • From the submenu at the top, navigate to the resources tab.
  • Add the database to the app, in the add-ons section search for 'Heroku Postgres', select the package that appears and add 'Heroku Postgres' as the database
  • Click on the setting tab
  • Open the config vars section copy the DATABASE_URL to the clipboard for use in the Django configuration.
  • Inside the Django app repository create a new file called
  • within this file import the os library and set the environment variable for the DATABASE_URL pasting in the address copied from Heroku.
  • The line should appear as os.environ["DATABASE_URL"]= "Paste the link in here"
  • Add a secret key to the app using os.environ["SECRET_KEY"] = "your secret key goes here"
  • Add the secret key just created to the Heroku Config Vars as SECRET_KEY for the KEY value and the secret key value you created as the VALUE
  • In the file within the django app, import Path from pathlib, import os and import dj_database_url
  • insert the line if os.path.isfile(""): import env
  • remove the insecure secret key that django has in the settings file by default and replace it with SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY')
  • replace the databases section with DATABASES = { 'default': dj_database_url.parse(os.environ.get("DATABASE_URL"))} ensure the correct indentation for python is used.
  • In the terminal migrate the models over to the new database connection

  • Navigate in a browser to cloudinary, log in, or create an account and log in.
  • From the dashboard - copy the CLOUDINARY_URL to the clipboard
  • In the file - add os.environ["CLOUDINARY_URL"] = "paste in the Url copied to the clipboard here"
  • In Heroku, add the CLOUDINARY_URL and value copied to the clipboard to the config vars
  • Also add the KEY - DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC with the Value - 1 to the config vars
  • this key value pair must be removed prior to final deployment
  • Add the cloudinary libraries to the list of installed apps, the order they are inserted is important, 'cloudinary_storage' goes above 'django.contrib.staitcfiles' and 'cloudinary' goes below it.
  • in the file - add the STATIC files settings - the url, storage path, directory path, root path, media url and default file storage path.
  • Link the file to the templates directory in Heroku TEMPLATES_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')
  • Change the templates directory to TEMPLATES_DIR - 'DIRS': [TEMPLATES_DIR]
  • Add Heroku to the ALLOWED_HOSTS list the format will be the app name given in Heroku when creating the app followed by
  • In your code editor, create three new top level folders, media, static, templates
  • Create a new file on the top level directory - Procfile
  • Within the Procfile add the code - web: guincorn PROJECT_NAME.wsgi
  • In the terminal, add the changed files, commit and push to GitHub
  • In Heroku, navigate to the deployment tab and deploy the branch manually - watch the build logs for any errors.
  • Heroku will now build the app for you. Once it has completed the build process you will see a 'Your App Was Successfully Deployed' message and a link to the app to visit the live site.

Forking the repository

y forking the GitHub Repository you can make a copy of the original repository to view or change without it effecting the original repository. You can do this by:

  • Logging into GitHub or create an account.
  • Locate the repository at here
  • At the top of the repository, on the right side of the page, select "Fork" from the buttons available.
  • A copy of the repository should now be created in your own repository.

Create a clone of this repository

Creating a clone enables you to make a copy of the repository at that point in time - this lets you run a copy of the project locally: This can be done by:

  • Navigate to
  • click on the arrow on the green code button at the top of the list of files
  • select the clone by https option and copy the URL it provides to the clipboard
  • navigate to your code editor of choice and within the terminal change the directory to the location you want to clone the repository to.
  • type 'git clone' and paste the https link you copied from github
  • press enter and git will clone the repository to your local machine


  • I used watched this Youtube Video which helped me build the basics of the blog creation for my site.
  • I used watched this Youtube Video which helped me build elements of the photo gallery.


Blog Image Credits

# Acknowledgments

  • A huge thanks to Chris Quinn for his help, suggestions and patiece while I put together this project.

  • Also a huge thanks to the tutors at Code institute for your patience and help in fixing my code issues.

  • A huge thanks to Jason from Tutor support at Code Institute for their amazing support

  • Alan Bushell at Code Institute for the contunied support through out the course.