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User Profile Update

Jean-Sébastien Sevestre edited this page Nov 6, 2019 · 18 revisions

User profile update

Profile fields are defined in a User Directory Module and populate through the user customProfile properties.

Get user Directory configuration

If you have the user directory module id use a content/get call with this id.

Else, get a list of user directory modules on an instance.

# prepare the request parameters
body = {
    "instanceId": xxx,
    "lang": "en", # adapt
    "type": ["user_directory"],
    "excludeType": ["community", "custom", "custom_list", "image_gallery", "menu", "news", "news_list", "page", "post"],
    "action": "CUSTOM_EDIT"}

# get user directory modules list
user_directories = api.get_call(
    "content", "list", body=body)

The ̀user_directories will be a list of user directory modules.

Each user directory module has :

  • a uid ( = id, we will use it as USER_DIRECTORY_MODULE_ID)
  • a list of custom profile fields define in template.components , each with an uuid.
# example, this user directory module define 2 fields:
# - "Title"
# - "Phone Number"
    "title": {
        "en": "Users Directory"
    "id": "6486401110769664",
    "uid": "6486401110769664",
    "instance": "6288388086038528",
    "customer": "4664706704080896",
    "isDefaultUserDirectory": false,
    "type": "user_directory",
    "status": "LIVE",
    "slug": {
        "en": "users-directory"
    "template": {
        "components": [
                "uuid": "be3363f3-4df8-4a93-b27c-9c8c69258801",
                "title": {
                    "en": "Title"
                "type": "inputText",
                "properties": {
                    "index": 0,
                    "isBound": true,
                    "boundMap": {
                        "text": "organizations/title",
                        "name": "API_PROFILE_FIELD_TITLE"
                    "icon": "bank"
                "status": "LIVE",
                "uuid": "b72127e4-867a-4aba-a843-70c11dc599ef",
                "title": {
                    "fr": "Phone Number"
                "type": "inputText",
                "properties": {
                    "editFeeds": [],
                    "availableValues": [
                    "icon": "account"
                "status": "LIVE",
        "heritable": false,
        "createdAt": "2018-04-12T07:43:23.624150",
        "uid": ""

Update the user profile

To update the user profile:

  • get the user details for the corresponding user directory
  • update or add value for the custom fields defined by the user directory module.
  • save
api_client = ApiClient()


USER_DIRECTORY_MODULE_ID = '6486401110769664'
USER_TO_UPDATE_EMAIL = '[email protected]'

# get user details corresponding to a user directory module
user_to_update = api_client.get_call(
    'user', 'directory', 'get',

# keep all user_to_update properties

# NB : if `user_to_update` doesn't have the `customProfile` property, add it
if "customProfile" not in userToUpadte:
    user_to_update['customProfile'] = {}

# Update the value of "Title" (get uid from user directory module definition).
field1uid = 'be3363f3-4df8-4a93-b27c-9c8c69258801'
user_to_update['customProfile'][field1uid] = 'Support Leader'

# Update the value of "Mobile" (get uid from user directory module definition).
field2uid = 'b72127e4-867a-4aba-a843-70c11dc599ef'
user_to_update['customProfile'][field2uid] = '00 11 22 33 44 55 66'

# /!\ To save a user in a user directory
# /!\ you must add the user directory module id in the user object like this:
user_to_update['contentId'] = USER_DIRECTORY_MODULE_ID

response = api_client.get_call(
    'user', 'directory', 'save',
# to get more users at once
# use `POST user/directory/list body={'contentId':USER_DIRECTORY_MODULE_ID }`

users_to_update_list = api_client.get_call(
    'user', 'directory', 'list',


  • if the field is defined with a bound value (ex for the "Title" above: 'organizations/title' ) the Title value will be store on the user under apiProfile.organization.title
  • else, the value will be store under customProfile.{fielduid}.
# example: the response of the previous call

    "email": "",
    "customProfile" : {
        "b72127e4-867a-4aba-a843-70c11dc599ef": "00 11 22 33 44 55 66"
    "apiProfile": {
        "organization": {
            "title": "Support Leader"