Spring Boot application that showcases the component-test-framework for component testing as part of a multi module maven project.
The framework is available on Maven Central. View usage here:
This example application exposes a REST endpoint that results in a call to two different third party services via REST. These services are represented by simulators in the component tests.
The component tests treat the application as a black box performing end-to-end testing and proving the deployment and configuration in a local environment.
Build Spring Boot application jar, with Java 17:
mvn clean install
Build main service Docker container (in the ctf-example-mm-service
cd ctf-example-mm-service
docker build -t ct/ctf-example-mm-service:latest .
Build third party simulator Docker container (in the third-party-simulator
cd third-party-simulator
docker build -t ct/third-party-simulator:latest .
Note: ensure the docker container name (third-party-simulator
) matches the properties file location in component-test
: src/test/resources/third-party-simulator/application-component.test.yml
Build external service simulator Docker container (in the external-service-simulator
cd external-service-simulator
docker build -t ct/external-service-simulator:latest .
Note: ensure the docker container name (external-service-simulator
) matches the properties file location in component-test
: src/test/resources/external-service-simulator/application-component.test.yml
Run tests (from parent directory or component-test
mvn test -Pcomponent
Run tests leaving containers up:
mvn test -Pcomponent -Dcontainers.stayup
Run tests (from component-test
In the component-test
module run:
./gradlew clean build
Run tests leaving containers up:
./gradlew clean build -Dcontainers.stayup=true
- Manual clean up (if left containers up):
docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
Further docker clean up if issues:
docker network prune
docker system prune