Custom PhoneNumber Bundle integrating libphonenumber library into Symfony project. This bundle is inspired by PhoneNumberBundle but simplified and created for own projects.
Use Composer to install this bundle into Symfony project:
composer require m-adamski/symfony-phone-number-bundle
This Bundle provide type template for Bootstrap 5. Register it in config/packages/twig.yaml
- '@PhoneNumber/Form/phone_number_bootstrap_5.html.twig'
Bundle provide additional Doctrine Type and Form Type. First, edit entity to use PhoneNumber Type:
An additional Doctrine Type has been removed from the bundle, because its use caused a problem with logging changes to the entity. Phone number is now stored in the database as string.
use Adamski\Symfony\PhoneNumberBundle\Validator as AssertPhoneNumber;
#[ORM\Column(type: "string", nullable: true)]
protected ?string $phoneNumber;
Now it's time to provide changes in Form Type:
use Adamski\Symfony\PhoneNumberBundle\Form\PhoneNumberType;
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) {
$builder->add("phoneNumber", PhoneNumberType::class, [
"label" => "Phone number",
"preferred" => "PL",
"countries_renderer" => function ($countryName, $countryCode, $regionCode) {
return sprintf("%s (+%d)", $countryName, $countryCode);
"number_attr" => ["placeholder" => "e.g. 123 123 123"],
"required" => false
There are some additional options that you can use:
- countries - array of available countries e.g. ["PL", "DE"]
- preferred - array or string with preferred country or countries
- country_attr - attributes for country input
- number_attr - attributes for number input
- countries_renderer - a function that returns a string displayed as a country selection option. The following parameters are available: countryName, countryCode, regionCode
The displayed phone number in the template can be formatted according to the given pattern.
For this purpose, the Twig phone_number
filter has been implemented.
{{ current_customer.phoneNumber|phone_number('E164') }}
{{ current_customer.phoneNumber|phone_number('RFC3966') }}
{{ current_customer.phoneNumber|phone_number('NATIONAL') }}
{{ current_customer.phoneNumber|phone_number('INTERNATIONAL') }}