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Title: Low-Code AI

Low-Code AI

Table of Contents

  1. Preface

    • Who Should Read This Book?
    • What Is and Isn’t in This Book
    • Conventions Used in This Book
    • Using Code Examples
    • O’Reilly Online Learning
    • How to Contact Us
    • Acknowledgments
  2. How Data Drives Decision Making in Machine Learning

    • What Is the Goal or Use Case?
    • An Enterprise ML Workflow
      • Defining the Business Objective or Problem Statement
      • Data Collection
      • Data Preprocessing
      • Data Analysis
      • Data Transformation and Feature Selection
      • Researching the Model Selection or Using AutoML (a No-Code Solution)
      • Model Training, Evaluation, and Tuning
      • Model Testing
      • Model Deployment (Serving)
      • Maintaining Models
    • Summary
  3. Data Is the First Step

    • Overview of Use Cases and Datasets Used in the Book
      • Retail: Product Pricing
      • Healthcare: Heart Disease Campaign
      • Energy: Utility Campaign
      • Insurance: Advertising Media Channel Sales Prediction
      • Financial: Fraud Detection
      • Energy: Power Production Prediction
      • Telecommunications: Customer Churn Prediction
      • Automotive: Improve Custom Model Performance
    • Data and File Types
      • Quantitative and Qualitative Data
      • Structured, Unstructured, and Semistructured Data
      • Data File Types
      • How Data Is Processed
    • An Overview of GitHub and Google’s Colab
      • Use GitHub to Create a Data Repository for Your Projects
      • Using Google’s Colaboratory for Low-Code AI Projects
    • Summary
  4. Machine Learning Libraries and Frameworks

    • No-Code AutoML
    • How AutoML Works
    • Machine Learning as a Service
    • Low-Code ML Frameworks
      • SQL ML Frameworks
      • Open Source ML Libraries
    • Summary
  5. Use AutoML to Predict Advertising Media Channel Sales

    • The Business Use Case: Media Channel Sales Prediction
      • Project Workflow
      • Project Dataset
    • Exploring the Dataset Using Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn
      • Load Data into a Pandas DataFrame in a Google Colab Notebook
      • Explore the Advertising Dataset
      • Use AutoML to Train a Linear Regression Model
      • No-Code Using Vertex AI
      • Create a Managed Dataset in Vertex AI
      • Select the Model Objective
      • Build the Training Model
      • Evaluate Model Performance
      • Model Feature Importance (Attribution)
      • Get Predictions from Your Model
    • Summary
  6. Using AutoML to Detect Fraudulent Transactions

    • The Business Use Case: Fraud Detection for Financial Transactions
      • Project Workflow
      • Project Dataset
    • Exploring the Dataset Using Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn
    • Loading Data into a Pandas DataFrame in a Google Colab Notebook * Exploring the Dataset * Exporting the Dataset
    • Classification Models and Metrics
    • Using AutoML to Train a Classification Model
      • Creating a Managed Dataset and Selecting the Model Objective
      • Exploring Dataset Statistics
      • Training the Model
      • Evaluating Model Performance
      • Model Feature Importances
      • Getting Predictions from Your Model
    • Summary
  7. Using BigQuery ML to Train a Linear Regression Model

    • The Business Use Case: Power Plant Production
    • Cleaning the Dataset Using SQL in BigQuery
      • Loading a Dataset into BigQuery
      • Exploring Data in BigQuery Using SQL
    • Linear Regression Models
      • Feature Selection and Correlation
      • Google Colaboratory
      • Plotting Feature Relationships to the Label
      • The CREATE MODEL Statement in BigQuery ML
    • Introducing Explainable AI
      • Explainable AI in BigQuery ML
      • Exercises
    • Neural Networks in BigQuery ML
      • Brief Overview of Neural Networks
      • Activation Functions and Nonlinearity
      • Training a Deep Neural Network in BigQuery ML
      • Exercises
    • Deep Dive: Using Cloud Shell to View Your Cloud Storage File
    • Summary
  8. Training Custom ML Models in Python

    • The Business Use Case: Customer Churn Prediction
    • Choosing Among No-Code, Low-Code, or Custom Code ML Solutions
    • Exploring the Dataset Using Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn
      • Loading Data into a Pandas DataFrame in a Google Colab Notebook
      • Understanding and Cleaning the Customer Churn Dataset
      • Transforming Features Using Pandas and Scikit-Learn
    • Building a Logistic Regression Model Using Scikit-Learn
      • Logistic Regression
      • Training and Evaluating a Model in Scikit-Learn
      • Classification Evaluation Metrics
      • Serving Predictions with a Trained Model in Scikit-Learn
      • Pipelines in Scikit-Learn: An Introduction
    • Building a Neural Network Using Keras
      • Introduction to Keras
      • Training a Neural Network Classifier Using Keras
      • Building Custom ML Models on Vertex AI
    • Summary
  9. Improving Custom Model Performance

    • The Business Use Case: Used Car Auction Prices
    • Model Improvement in Scikit-Learn
      • Loading the Notebook with the Preexisting Model
      • Loading the Datasets and the Training-Validation-Test Data Split
      • Exploring the Scikit-Learn Linear Regression Model
      • Feature Engineering and Improving the Preprocessing Pipeline
      • Hyperparameter Tuning
    • Model Improvement in Keras
      • Introduction to Preprocessing Layers in Keras
      • Creating the Dataset and Preprocessing Layers for Your Model
      • Building a Neural Network Model
      • Hyperparameter Tuning in Keras
    • Hyperparameter Tuning in BigQuery ML
      • Loading and Transforming Car Auction Data
      • Training a Linear Regression Model and Using the TRANSFORM Clause
      • Configure a Hyperparameter Tuning Job in BigQuery ML
    • Options for Hyperparameter Tuning Large Models
      • Vertex AI Training and Tuning
      • Automatic Model Tuning with Amazon SageMaker
      • Azure Machine Learning
    • Summary
  10. Next Steps in Your AI Journey

    • Going Deeper into Data Science
      • Working with Unstructured Data
      • Generative AI
      • Explainable AI
    • ML Operations
    • Continuous Training and Evaluation
    • Summary


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