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#maxic towers project latest

##Downloading the Latest Version of the Project ###If setup as below

  • git pull maxi master where you have set up the repository
  • When you have pulled the latest versions of the files, in the project directory go to the /data/ folder and run updateDB.bat. This will update the MySQL database. This will only work if you have a database called towers and an admin user called admin with password letmein

###If the project is not in your Eclipse workspace

  • File > Import > Existing Maven Projects > Find where you stored the files

##Environment Setup ###First

  • Create a Github account
  • Email me your username so I can add you as a collaborator to the project.


  • Download and install Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
  • In Eclipse, go to Help > Eclipse Marketplace
    • Search 'Maven Integration for Eclipse' and install this package
    • Search 'Spring IDE' and install this package


  • Install Tomcat 7.0, Service Installer is easiest
    • Start Tomcat, go to localhost:8080, if a Tomcat page appears it has installed correctly.
    • Stop Tomcat
  • In Eclipse go to Servers > New Server > Add the Tomcat 7.0 you just installed as a Server in Eclipse
  • Find the file context.xml in the Tomcat server in Eclipse and add the following:
<Resource name="jdbc/towers" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
        maxActive="100" maxIdle="30" maxWait="10000" username="admin"
        password="letmein" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
        url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/towers" />`


  • Download and install MySQL Server and MySQL Workbench
  • Load up MySQL Workbench and create a new connection to the local server you installed with the username 'root' and password '' (blank)
  • Go to users and privileges and create a user called 'admin' with password 'letmein', grant this user the Administrative Role of 'DBA' (database administrator), hit Apply.


  • Download and install Git
  • Open a Git bash terminal
  • Navigate to the folder where you want to store the files for the workspace
  • Run git init to initialise a local repository at the location where you are
  • Run git config --global "<Your Name>" to set your name
  • Run git config --global "[email protected]" your email here must be the one you signed up to Github with
  • Run git remote add maxi This adds the maxi repository I created to your remote sources
  • Run git pull maxi master (download the latest files)
  • Go into Eclipse and Import Project > Existing Maven Project > Navigate to the folder where you've pulled the Github repository to and import it.

##Setting up Database Syncing

  • Make sure you have all the MySQL commands added to your class path. You can check this by running cmd mysql --version. If it returns the MySQL version then it's fine, if not and it says something like "mysql is not a recognised command" then you need to do the following.
    • Go to your MySQL installation bin folder in Explorer, it'll be something like C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin
    • Copy this path to clipboard
    • Click the start menu, right-click on Computer and select Properties, then click Advanced System Settings.
    • Click Environment Variables and find the variable called Path, edit the Path variable by adding the path name you copied onto the end after a semi-colon (;)
    • Test again
  • Make sure you have a database in your MySQL server called towers
    • CREATE DATABASE towers
  • Make sure you have a user called admin with password letmein
    • You can do this in MySQL Workbench, connect to your server with the root details and then go to Management > Users and Privileges > Add Account and set the Administrative Roles tab to DBA

##Using Git ###Downloading the latest files

  • git fetch maxi master sync the latest files but do not merge
  • git merge merge the synced files
  • git pull maxi master download and merge the latest files

###Updating the database

  • When you have pulled the latest versions of the files, in the project directory go to the /data/ folder and run updateDB.bat. This will update the MySQL database. This will only work if you have a database called towers and an admin user called admin with password letmein

###Pushing changes to the repository

  • git add -A add all changed files to a commit
  • git commit -m "message" commit these changes to your local repository, with a message. The message should be a short summary of the changes made.
  • git push -u maxi master push these changes to the maxic repository on github (you will then be prompted for your username and password).

##Project Structure


  • dao-context.xml
    • Sets annotation configuration, scans dao package for @Component
    • Defines the datasource used in the dao package
  • service-context.xml
    • Sets annotation configuration, scans service package for @Component


    • Deals with requests for the home page, returns the relevant jsp
    • Connects to towerService (autowired)
    • Deals with request mappings related to towers


    • The tower bean, defines the properties of the bean
    • Defines constructors of bean
    • Defines getters and setters
    • Connects to jdbc (autowired)
    • Runs queries on database


    • Instansiates towerDao (autowired)
    • Interfaces between controller and data access object


    • Splits the dove.txt file


  • jsp folder
    • Contains JSPs
  • towers-servlet.xml
    • Component scans the controller package
    • Defines the MVC as annotation driven
    • Defines the Spring view resolver
    • Defines the location of views (jsp folder, with extension .jsp)
  • web.xml
    • Defines default home files
    • Defines Dispatcher Servlet, set to load on startup, mapped to /
    • Defines database connection linking to context.xml
    • Defines locations to scan for context.xml files
    • Defines contextLoaderListener to do this


  • css
    • Contains cascading style sheets
  • js
    • Contains javascript used in front-end
  • img
    • Contains images used on site


  • context.xml
    • Contains details of database locations and username/password

##Technology Stack

  • Java Spring Framework
    • We will be using the Spring Framework to structure our project, making use of the MVC provided as well as Autowiring.
  • Tomcat Web Server
  • MySQL Database
  • Spring Security
    • Spring security will be used to secure access and allow us creation of user accounts.
  • Twitter Bootstrap
    • Twitter Bootstrap css/js framework will be used to style the pages in a way that is responsive and thus suitable for all devices as per the requirements.
  • Google Maps API


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