This is swagger-codegen generated python client for Kubernetes.
Usage example, based on the swagger k8s API code:
# include the client module
from client import *
# build a client connection. In this example, we are passing the hostname as arg0, and
# sending a header with name `api_key` and value `special-key` on each call to the api.
# Initalise with the Kubernete master url.
client = swagger.ApiClient(KUBERNETES_MASTER_URL, 'api_key', 'special-key')
# create the API class with the client we just created
api = ApivbetaApi.ApivbetaApi(client)
# call the API and list pods
pod = api.listPod()
# write it into pretty JSON
json = client.sanitizeForSerialization(pod)
print json