base game implementation
base local players and AIs
simple udp implementation
- packet loss tolerant udp connection with retry
- introduced a fault injection class
- The fault injector is a server/client that passes messages back and forth between the existing client and gui, a man-in-the-middle.
- The fault injector for the next stage introduces the fault that makes the previous stage unsuitable.
- For instance, in packet loss we randomly don't forward packets.
- packet loss tolerant with retry
- corruption tolerant with TCP checksums
- expanded fault injection capability
- we randomly scramble the bytes
- message ids for matching retries
- message id history for rejecting retries
- expanded fault injection capability
- we late send packets by swapping a packet with its retry
- ported UDP0 to use TCP and keep the same structure
- provides the same reliability as UDP3(mostly) with way less code
utilities and base structures for packing and transporting data
- tcp0 buys reliability and smarter control logic
- multi-threaded connections for many clients
- more than one game instance
- leader boards
- buys ability to transmit classes across a connection and intelligently use remote objects
- major cleanup from tcp0 object transmission
- connect 4?
- spread the request load to multiple server instances
- same service, many servers
- forward traffic through different routes
- provide services on many servers through unified gateway
- many servers, single server
- intelligent routing to different remote gateways
- redirect traffic for static objects to more local servers
Raw Socket Programming Tutorial
Discussion of UDP network protocol
Intro to C
Lightweight UDP library (Single Header)
Lightweight TCP library (Single Header)
Lightweight Game/Gui Engine (Single Header)
Lightweight BDD (Behavior-Driven Design) Framework / Integration Tests
Lightweight TDD (Test-Driven Design) Framework / Unit Tests
Curated Header Libraries for C++
Great C libraries