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Maker Governance Portal

This is the repo containing the code for the Maker Governance Portal. The Maker Governance Portal is an open-source interface for governance of the Maker protocol.
Copyright Dai Foundation 2022.

To run locally:

While the portal is hosted by MakerDAO at, it can also be run by anyone on their local machine.

In order to run the project locally, you must have the following installed on the machine:

  • Node, version 18.17 or greater (install)

To get started, clone the repository to the desired directory and then navigate into the project folder:

# clones repo
git clone

# changes directory to cloned project folder
cd governance-portal-v2

Next, install the project's dependencies using yarn:

# installs dependencies

# builds eth-sdk for interacting with contracts
yarn build-sdk

# runs the application on localhost:3000
yarn dev

At this point, you should be able to access the application by going to the address http://localhost:3000 in your browser.


Warning The method _signTypedData from ethers is an experimental feature and will be renamed to signTypedData. Make sure to keep the version of ethers fixed or rename the method once is available.


To do releases of the governance portal, please use npm version minor or npm version patch to bump the version in the package.json and create a tag.

The tag and versioning should be done on develop, and then merged to master through a PR. To push your local tag use the command git push origin develop --follow-tags.

Additional configuration overview:


The portal seeks to rely on on-chain data as much as possible and to minimize reliance on data stored on centralized servers. However, due to the large volume of data that is relevant to Maker governance, fetching this data from on-chain is both time and resource-intensive. In order to improve the user's experience, some reliance on third-party services has been added, and we recommend a few configuration steps for optimal use. These services include:

Network providers

The portal uses the ethers.js library in order to communicate with the Ethereum network. Ethers works closely with an ever-growing list of third-party providers in order to provide on-chain data to web applications. By default, ethers provides default API keys to plug in to these service providers. However, these API keys can quickly become rate-limited when too many requests are made. In order to prevent this, it is recommended that you sign up and add your own API keys to the configuration for Alchemy, Infura, Etherscan, and Pocket.

Due to the large volume of data that is constantly being fetched and displayed in the portal, we use caching in order to cache various network responses for a limited amount of time. This helps to reduce the load of networking calls to various APIs. This feature can be configured to be on or off.

Configuration steps:

To begin, create a local .env file in the project's root directory. The .env.sample file can be used as a template.

The following configuration values can be added to the .env file:

Recommended for improved performance:

  • Set INFURA_KEY to a valid Infura API key for ethers provider to use

  • Set ALCHEMY_KEY to a valid Alchemy API key for ethers provider to use

  • Set ETHERSCAN_KEY to a valid Etherscan API key for ethers provider to use

  • Set POCKET_KEY to a valid Pocket API key for ethers provider to use

  • Set GITHUB_TOKEN to fetch polls, executives, and aligned delegates information from GitHub (optionally set GITHUB_TOKEN_2 and GITHUB_TOKEN_3)

  • Set MONGODB_URI to a full MongoDB uri (ex: mongodb+srv://...)

  • Set MONGODB_COMMENTS_DB the MongoDB db name to be used for vote comments

  • Set USE_CACHE to true if you want to use cache, if REDIS_URL is set it will use REDIS otherwise filesystem cache

  • Set GASLESS_DISABLED to true to disable gasless voting in UI (pre-check endpoint will fail)

  • Set NEXT_PUBLIC_VERCEL_ENV to development to use development environment databases

Optional (DUX-specific config, no performance improvements):

  • Set MIGRATION_WEBHOOK_URL for sending migration requests to discord

  • Set GASLESS_WEBHOOK_URL for sending gasless vote requests to discord

Optional Set DEFENDER_API_KEY_MAINNET and/or DEFENDER_API_KEY_TESTNET to a valid OpenZeppelin Defender Relay key (used for gasless poll voting) Optional Set DEFENDER_API_SECRET_MAINNET and/orDEFENDER_API_SECRET_TESTNET to a valid OpenZeppelin Defender Relay secret Optional Set ALCHEMY_ARBITRUM_KEY to a valid Alchemy API key for the arbitrum network Optional Set ALCHEMY_ARBITRUM_TESTNET_KEY to a valid Alchemy API key for the arbitrum test network Optional Set GASLESS_BACKDOOR_SECRET to allow for bypassing the gasless voting eligibility checks by anyone with the password

  • Set DASHBOARD_PASSWORD for adding protection to the /dashboard route

Required for e2e:

  • Set NEXT_PUBLIC_TENDERLY_RPC_KEY to the API key required to query the forked Tenderly network RPC
  • Set TENDERLY_API_KEY to be able to run e2e tests against forked network

Architecture diagram


The Governance portal includes two test suites: Jest and E2E

To run e2e, TENDERLY_API_KEY and NEXT_PUBLIC_TENDERLY_RPC_KEY must be correcly configured.

To run headless mode: yarn e2e

To run in UI mode: yarn dev:mock to run the app with mock wallet yarn e2e:ui to open playwright UI

Jest tests under the folder __tests__ currently execute unit tests of the platform.

Test commands


# runs jest tests on live-reload mode
npm run test

# runs all the jest tests
npm run test:ci


The CI/CD system is integrated with Github Actions.

After each push the system will execute:

  • Lint, verify type consistency

  • Unit test, execute Jest test suite

npm run start:ci


See our contributing guide.