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gavit edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 21 revisions

Installation Instructions.

  • Install Twister 1
  • Install Orbited 2
    • If you will use an external stomp server, download the orbited.cfg
    • Don’t forget to edit config/orbited.yml which comes with the plugin
  • Install stomp
     gem install stomp 
  • Install the orbited plugin
     cd YOUR_APP && script/plugin install git:// 

Deployment Instructions

  • Go to your app directory and start the server
     cd YOUR_APP && script/sever 
  • Start up orbited
      orbited --config=config/orbited.cfg 
  • If you chose to use an external stomp server, start the external stomp server

Source code


class MyController < ApplicationController
  def add_line
    data = render_to_string :update do |page|
      page["#chat"].append params[:entry] #Assuming you use JQuery
    Orbited.send_data('hello', data)


Assuming you use JQuery.
form_remote_tag #TODO replace with JQuery code

<%= orbited_javascript #TODO Shouldn't need to include prototype when using JQuery %> <%= stomp_connect('hello', :js => :jquery, :callbacks => { :onopen => "function() { alert('Opening stomp client'); }", :onclose => "function(c) { alert('Lost Connection, Code: ' + c); }", :onerror => "function(error){ alert('onError: ' + error); }", :onmessageframe => "function(frame) { alert(frame.body); eval(frame.body); }", :onreceiptframe => "function(frame) { alert('onReceiptFrame: '+ frame) }", :onerrorframe => "function(error){ alert('onErrorFrame: ' + error); }", :onlinereceived => "function(line) {alert('onLineReceived: ' + line);}", :onrawdatareceived => "function(data) {alert('onRawDataReceived: ' + data);}" } ) %>

< div id=“chat” style=“height:300px;border:1px solid black;overflow:scroll;”>< /div>
<%- form_remote_tag :url => {:controller => ‘participants’, :action => :add_line}, :method => :put do >
= text_field_tag ‘entry’ >
= submit_tag (‘Send’) >
end -%>


  map.resources :MyController, :collection => { :add_line => :put}


1 Twisted
fn2. Orbited Installation Instructions