Clustering and representation methods for proteins and protein trajectories in Python using several distance metrics.
The methods are implemented using several libraries, such as
- PyEMMA (molecular dynamics (MD) analysis, featurization and Markov State Models),
- rmsd (root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of molecules using rotation),
- mdtraj (pdb files handling),
- scikit-learn (machine learning methods in Python)
This project provides a number of tools and interfaces developed in the context of "INSPIRED-ΕΚΠΑ" which is a subproject of "INSPIRED - The National Research Infrastructures on Integrated Structural Biology, Drug Screening Efforts & Drug target functional characterization". More information can be found on bioerga the webpage of the ΕρΓΑ Lab dedicated on research in the area of applications of informatics in biology.
- Python (>= 3.6)
- numpy (>=1.18)
- pyEMMA (>=2.5)
- mdshare (>=0.4)
- mdtraj (>=1.9)
- rmsd (>=1.3)
- scikit-learn (>=0.23)
pip install -r requirements.txt