- Install cmake:
brew install cmake
- Install pip:
sudo easy_install pip
- Install virtualenv:
pip install --upgrade virtualenv
- Create a new virtual environment:
virtualenv --system-site-packages ~/tensorflow
- activate virtualenv:
source ~/tensorflow/bin/activate
to close it) - Install tensorflow: https://www.tensorflow.org/install/install_mac
- Install keras: https://keras.io/#installation
- In same virtual environment, install open gym dependencies:
pip install gym[atari] --ignore-installed
- put
in quotes if using zsh
- put
pip install future --ignore-installed
pip install pydot
python riverraid.py
- Signup Codalab account
- upload riverraid.py
- upload riverraid_eval.py
- Paste the following command on the cli web interface on top of the page
- cl run :riverraid.py :riverraid_eval.py "python riverraid.py " --request-docker-image gdadwal/openai-gym <--request-gpus 1>
- For Custom Markup add this to your worksheet
- % display image /reward.png