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GitHub Action

Google Cloud Compute Engine Deploy

v5.0.0 Latest version

Google Cloud Compute Engine Deploy


Google Cloud Compute Engine Deploy

Deploy to Google Cloud Compute Engine


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Google Cloud Compute Engine Deploy

uses: mattes/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in mattes/gce-deploy-action

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Deploy to Google Compute Engine

Github action to simplify deploys to Google Compute Engine.

This action will...

  1. Clone an existing instance template (using it as a base).
  2. Update metadata config of the newly created instance template to run a startup script.
  3. Tell the instance group manager to perform a rolling update with the new instance template.


Set up the following resources manually in the Cloud Console or use a tool like Terraform.

  • Create a base instance template to be cloned by this action.
  • Create a managed instance group. Please note that currently only regional instance groups are supported.
  • Create Service Account with Roles Compute Admin and Service Account User and export a new JSON key.


By default this action expects a deploy.yml in the root directory of the repository. Here is an example:

    gitsha: ${{GITHUB_SHA}}

  - name: my-app-deploy
    region: us-central1
    instance_group: my-app-instance-group
    instance_template_base: my-app-instance-template-base
    instance_template: my-app-${{GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER}}-${{GITHUB_SHA}}
    cloud_init: cloud-init.yml # see example dir
    labels: # will also have gitsha from common section
      version: ${{APP_VERSION}}
      - my-tag123
      min_ready_sec: 30

delete_instance_templates_after: false

Config Reference

Variable Description
deploys.*.name Required Name of the deploy
deploys.*.project Name of the Google Cloud project. Defaults to Project from Credentials.
deploys.*.creds Either a path or the contents of a Service Account JSON Key. Required, if not specified in Github action.
deploys.*.region Required Region of the instance group.
deploys.*.instance_group Required Name of the instance group.
deploys.*.instance_template_base Required Instance template to be used as base.
deploys.*.instance_template Required Name of the newly created instance template.
deploys.*.startup_script Path or URL to script to run when VM boots. Read more
deploys.*.shutdown_script Path or URL to script to run when VM shuts down. Read more
deploys.*.cloud_init Path or URL to cloud-init file. Read more
deploys.*.labels A set of key/value label pairs to assign to instances. Keys override common.*.labels.
deploys.*.metadata A set of key/value metadata pairs to make available from within instances. Keys override common.*.metadata.
deploys.*.tags A list of tags to assign to instances. Tags are merged with common.*.tags.
deploys.*.vars A set of additional key/value variables which will be available in either startup_script, shutdown_script or cloud_init. Keys override existing ENV vars and common.*.vars.
deploys.*.update_policy.type=PROACTIVE The type of update process, must be either PROACTIVE (default) or OPPORTUNISTIC. Read more
deploys.*.update_policy.replacement_method=SUBSTITUTE What action should be used to replace instances, must be either SUBSTITUTE (default) or RECREATE. Read more
deploys.*.update_policy.minimal_action=REPLACE Minimal action to be taken on an instance, possible values are NONE, REFRESH, REPLACE (default) or RESTART. Read more
deploys.*.update_policy.min_ready_sec=10 Time to wait between consecutive instance updates, default is 10 seconds. Read more
deploys.*.update_policy.max_surge=3 Maximum number (or percentage, i.e. 15%) of temporary instances to add while updating. Default is 3. Read more
deploys.*.update_policy.max_unavailable=0 Maximum number (or percentage, i.e. 100%) of instances that can be offline at the same time while updating. Default is 0. Read more
common.project Set default for deploys.*.project
common.region Set default for deploys.*.region
common.startup_script Set default for deploys.*.startup_script
common.shutdown_script Set default for deploys.*.shutdown_script
common.cloud_init Set default for deploys.*.cloud_init
common.labels Set default for deploys.*.labels
common.metadata Set default for deploys.*.metadata
common.tags Set default for deploys.*.tags
common.vars Set default for deploys.*.vars
common.update_policy.type Set default for deploys.*.update_policy.type
common.update_policy.replacement_method Set default for deploys.*.update_policy.replacement_method
common.update_policy.minimal_action Set default for deploys.*.update_policy.minimal_action
common.update_policy.min_ready_sec Set default for deploys.*.update_policy.min_ready_sec
common.update_policy.max_surge Set default for deploys.*.update_policy.max_surge
common.update_policy.max_unavailable Set default for deploys.*.update_policy.max_unavailable
delete_instance_templates_after=336h Delete old instance templates after duration, defaults to 336h (14 days). Set to false to disable.


Environment variables can be used in deploy.yml, startup_script, shutdown_script and cloud_init files. The syntax is ${{FOO}} and supports substring extraction, i.e. ${{GITHUB_SHA:0:7}}:

${{VAR:position}}        - Extracts substring from $VAR at "position"
${{VAR:position:length}} - Extracts "length" characters of substring from $VAR at "position"

Github sets a bunch of default environment variables.

Github Action Usage

uses: mattes/gce-deploy-action@v5
Variable Description
creds Required Either a path or the contents of a Service Account JSON Key.
config Path to config file. Default deploy.yml or deploy.yaml.

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