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GitHub Action

Install Cygwin Action


Install Cygwin Action


Install Cygwin Action

GitHub Action to install Cygwin


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Install Cygwin Action

uses: cygwin/cygwin-install-action@v2

Learn more about this action in cygwin/cygwin-install-action

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Cygwin Install GitHub Action

This GitHub Action can be used in a workflow to install Cygwin.


- run: git config --global core.autocrlf input

- uses: actions/checkout@v2

- uses: cygwin/cygwin-install-action@master

- run: bash tests/  # see footnote [1]

Please fix my terrible cargo-cult PowerShell.


Input Default Description
platform x86_64 Install the x86 or x86_64 version of Cygwin.
packages none List of additional packages to install.
install-dir C:\cygwin Installation directory
site Mirror site to install from
check-sig true Whether to check the setup.ini signature

Line endings

If you're going to use actions/checkout in your workflow, you should precede that with

- run: git config --global core.autocrlf input

to ensure that any shell scripts etc. in your repository don't get checked out with \r\n line endings (leading to '\r': command not found errors).

Likewise, if you have multiple lines of shell script in a YAML block for run: in your workflow file, the file this is written into on the runner ends up with \r\n line endings.

You can use >- (rather than |) to ensure that it doesn't contain any newlines.

Alternatively, you can also use:

  • igncr in the SHELLOPTS environment variable
  • invoke bash with -o igncr


This action prepends Cygwin's /usr/bin directory to the PATH.

However, if you want to ensure that PATH only contains Cygwin executables, and other stuff installed in the VM image isn't going to get picked up:

  • Set PATH to something like /usr/bin:$(cygpath ${SYSTEMROOT})/system32 in your shell script


  • Put CYGWIN_NOWINPATH=1 into the environment
  • start a login shell with bash --login
  • because the profile script from does cd ${HOME}, either:
    • cd ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE} in your shell script, or
    • prevent the profile script from changing directory by putting CHERE_INVOKING into the environment


Unfortunately, Cygwin's setup doesn't (currently) honour CYGWIN=winsymlinks:native or offer an option to control the kind of symlinks created, so some executables (e.g. python) are created as Cygwin-style symlinks. Since CMD and PowerShell don't understand those symlinks, you cannot run those executables directly in a run: in your workflow. Execute them via bash or env instead.

Mirrors and signatures

You probably don't need to change the setting for site, and you shouldn't change check-sig unless you're very confident it's appropriate and necessary. These options are very unlikely to be useful except in some very isolated circumstances, such as using the Cygwin Time Machine.

[1] The Workflow documentation suggests you should also use bash options -eo pipefail, omitted here for clarity