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GitHub Action

Terraform Plan for AZURE


Terraform Plan for AZURE


Terraform Plan for AZURE

Terraform plan with AzureRM backend - uploads plan as workflow artifact (Used with: `Pwd9000-ML/terraform-azurerm-apply`)


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Terraform Plan for AZURE

uses: Pwd9000-ML/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in Pwd9000-ML/terraform-azurerm-plan

Choose a version

Terraform Plan - GitHub Action (terraform-azurerm-plan)

This Action can be used to create a Terraform Deploy Plan or Destroy Plan based on input parameter plan_mode. The action connects to a remote Terraform backend in Azure, creates a terraform plan and uploads plan as a workflow artifact. (Additionally TFSEC IaC scanning can be enabled).

See my detailed tutorial for more usage details.

NOTE: Can be used independently with Action: Pwd9000-ML/terraform-azurerm-apply.


  - name: Dev TF Plan
    uses: Pwd9000-ML/[email protected]
      path: "path-to-TFmodule"                 ## (Optional) Specify path TF module relevant to repo root. Default="."
      plan_mode: "deploy"                      ## (Optional) Specify plan mode. Valid options are "deploy" or "destroy". Default="deploy"
      tf_version: "latest"                     ## (Optional) Specifies version of Terraform to use. e.g: 1.1.0 Default="latest"
      tf_vars_file: "tfvars-file-name"         ## (Required) Specifies Terraform TFVARS file name inside module path
      tf_key: "state-file-name"                ## (Required) AZ backend - Specifies name that will be given to terraform state file and plan artifact
      enable_TFSEC: true                       ## (Optional) Enable TFSEC IaC scans (Private repo requires GitHub enterprise). Default=false
      az_resource_group: "resource-group-name" ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE Resource Group hosting terraform backend storage account
      az_storage_acc: "storage-account-name"   ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE terraform backend storage account
      az_container_name: "container-name"      ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE storage container hosting state files 
      arm_client_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_CLIENT_ID }}             ## (Required) ARM Client ID 
      arm_client_secret: ${{ secrets.ARM_CLIENT_SECRET }}     ## (Required)ARM Client Secret
      arm_subscription_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }} ## (Required) ARM Subscription ID
      arm_tenant_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_TENANT_ID }}             ## (Required) ARM Tenant ID
      github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} ## (Required) Needed to comment output on PR's. ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} already has permissions.


Check out the following GitHub repository for a full working demo and usage examples of this action under a workflow called Marketplace_Example.yml.

Usage Example 1 - Deploy Plan and Apply (BUILD)

Usage example of a terraform deploy plan with applying the deploy (creating resources).

name: "TF-Deploy"
      - master

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    environment: null #(Optional) If using GitHub Environments          
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Dev TF Plan Deploy
        uses: Pwd9000-ML/[email protected]
          path: "path-to-TFmodule"                 ## (Optional) Specify path TF module relevant to repo root. Default="."
          plan_mode: "deploy"                      ## (Optional) Specify plan mode. Valid options are "deploy" or "destroy". Default="deploy"
          tf_version: "latest"                     ## (Optional) Specifies version of Terraform to use. e.g: 1.1.0 Default="latest"
          tf_vars_file: "tfvars-file-name"         ## (Required) Specifies Terraform TFVARS file name inside module path
          tf_key: "state-file-name"                ## (Required) AZ backend - Specifies name that will be given to terraform state file and plan artifact
          enable_TFSEC: true                       ## (Optional) Enable TFSEC IaC scans (Private repo requires GitHub enterprise). Default=false
          az_resource_group: "resource-group-name" ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE Resource Group hosting terraform backend storage account
          az_storage_acc: "storage-account-name"   ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE terraform backend storage account
          az_container_name: "container-name"      ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE storage container hosting state files 
          arm_client_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_CLIENT_ID }}             ## (Required) ARM Client ID 
          arm_client_secret: ${{ secrets.ARM_CLIENT_SECRET }}     ## (Required)ARM Client Secret
          arm_subscription_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }} ## (Required) ARM Subscription ID
          arm_tenant_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_TENANT_ID }}             ## (Required) ARM Tenant ID
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} ## (Required) Needed to comment output on PR's. ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} already has permissions.

    needs: Plan_Dev_Deploy
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    environment: Development #(Optional) If using GitHub Environments      
      - name: Dev TF Deploy
        uses: Pwd9000-ML/[email protected]
          plan_mode: "deploy"                      ## (Optional) Specify plan mode. Valid options are "deploy" or "destroy". Default="deploy"
          tf_version: "latest"                     ## (Optional) Specifies version of Terraform to use. e.g: 1.1.0 Default="latest"
          tf_key: "state-file-name"                ## (Required) Specifies name of the terraform state file and plan artifact to download
          az_resource_group: "resource-group-name" ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE Resource Group hosting terraform backend storage acc 
          az_storage_acc: "storage-account-name"   ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE terraform backend storage acc 
          az_container_name: "container-name"      ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE storage container hosting state files 
          arm_client_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_CLIENT_ID }}             ## (Required) ARM Client ID 
          arm_client_secret: ${{ secrets.ARM_CLIENT_SECRET }}     ## (Required)ARM Client Secret
          arm_subscription_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }} ## (Required) ARM Subscription ID
          arm_tenant_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_TENANT_ID }}             ## (Required) ARM Tenant ID

Usage Example 2 - Destroy Plan and Apply (DESTROY)

Usage example of a terraform destroy plan with applying the destroy (removing resources).

name: "TF-Destroy"
      - master

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    environment: null #(Optional) If using GitHub Environments          
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Dev TF Plan Destroy
        uses: Pwd9000-ML/[email protected]
          path: "path-to-TFmodule"                 ## (Optional) Specify path TF module relevant to repo root. Default="."
          plan_mode: "destroy"                     ## (Optional) Specify plan mode. Valid options are "deploy" or "destroy". Default="deploy"
          tf_version: "latest"                     ## (Optional) Specifies version of Terraform to use. e.g: 1.1.0 Default="latest"
          tf_vars_file: "tfvars-file-name"         ## (Required) Specifies Terraform TFVARS file name inside module path
          tf_key: "state-file-name"                ## (Required) AZ backend - Specifies name that will be given to terraform state file and plan artifact
          enable_TFSEC: true                       ## (Optional) Enable TFSEC IaC scans (Private repo requires GitHub enterprise). Default=false
          az_resource_group: "resource-group-name" ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE Resource Group hosting terraform backend storage account
          az_storage_acc: "storage-account-name"   ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE terraform backend storage account
          az_container_name: "container-name"      ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE storage container hosting state files 
          arm_client_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_CLIENT_ID }}             ## (Required) ARM Client ID 
          arm_client_secret: ${{ secrets.ARM_CLIENT_SECRET }}     ## (Required)ARM Client Secret
          arm_subscription_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }} ## (Required) ARM Subscription ID
          arm_tenant_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_TENANT_ID }}             ## (Required) ARM Tenant ID
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} ## (Required) Needed to comment output on PR's. ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} already has permissions.

    needs: Plan_Dev_Destroy
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    environment: Development #(Optional) If using GitHub Environments      
      - name: Dev TF Destroy
        uses: Pwd9000-ML/[email protected]
          plan_mode: "destroy"                     ## (Optional) Specify plan mode. Valid options are "deploy" or "destroy". Default="deploy"
          tf_version: "latest"                     ## (Optional) Specifies version of Terraform to use. e.g: 1.1.0 Default="latest"
          tf_key: "state-file-name"                ## (Required) Specifies name of the terraform state file and plan artifact to download
          az_resource_group: "resource-group-name" ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE Resource Group hosting terraform backend storage acc 
          az_storage_acc: "storage-account-name"   ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE terraform backend storage acc 
          az_container_name: "container-name"      ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE storage container hosting state files 
          arm_client_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_CLIENT_ID }}             ## (Required) ARM Client ID 
          arm_client_secret: ${{ secrets.ARM_CLIENT_SECRET }}     ## (Required)ARM Client Secret
          arm_subscription_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }} ## (Required) ARM Subscription ID
          arm_tenant_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_TENANT_ID }}             ## (Required) ARM Tenant ID

In both examples the terraform plan will be created and is compressed and published to the workflow as an artifact using the same name of the input tf_key:


The artifact will either contain a deployment plan called deploy_plan.tfplan if plan_mode: "deploy" is used, or a destroy plan called destroy_plan.tfplan if plan_mode: "destroy" is used.

The terraform apply action will download and apply the plan inside of the artifact created by the plan action using the same tf_key and will start a deploy or destroy action based on the plan_mode.

NOTE: If enable_TFSEC is set to true on plan stage, Terraform IaC will be scanned using TFSEC and results are published to the GitHub Project Security tab:


If using a private repository, GitHub enterprise is needed when enabling TFSEC. However if a public repository is used, code analysis is included and TFSEC can be enabled on public repositories without the need for a GitHub enterprise account.


Input Required Description Default
path FALSE Specify path to Terraform module relevant to repo root. "."
plan_mode FALSE Specify plan mode. Valid options are deploy or destroy. "deploy"
tf_version FALSE Specifies the Terraform version to use. "latest"
tf_vars_file TRUE Specifies Terraform TFVARS file name inside module path. N/A
tf_key TRUE AZ backend - Specifies name that will be given to terraform state file and plan artifact N/A
enable_TFSEC FALSE Enable IaC TFSEC scan, results are posted to GitHub Project Security Tab. (Private repos require GitHub enterprise). FALSE
az_resource_group TRUE AZ backend - AZURE Resource Group name hosting terraform backend storage account N/A
az_storage_acc TRUE AZ backend - AZURE terraform backend storage account name N/A
az_container_name TRUE AZ backend - AZURE storage container hosting state files N/A
arm_client_id TRUE The Azure Service Principal Client ID N/A
arm_client_secret TRUE The Azure Service Principal Secret N/A
arm_subscription_id TRUE The Azure Subscription ID N/A
arm_tenant_id TRUE The Azure Service Principal Tenant ID N/A
github_token TRUE Specify GITHUB TOKEN, only used in PRs to comment outputs such as plan, fmt, init and validate. ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} already has permissions, but if using own token, ensure repo scope. N/A



  • Plan is uploaded to workflow as an artifact. (Can be deployed using Pwd9000-ML/terraform-azurerm-apply action.)
  • In a Pull Request, plan output will be added as a comment on the PR. Additionally failures on fmt, init and validate will also be added to the PR.

Plan output to Pull Request


The github_token input must be set for the PR comment to be added. ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} already has permissions, but if using own token, ensure repo scope.
Plan failures on fmt, init and validate will also be added to the PR.

Versions of runner that can be used

At the moment only linux runners are supported. Support for all runner types will be released soon.

Environment YAML Label
Ubuntu 20.04 ubuntu-latest or ubuntu-20-04
Ubuntu 18.04 ubuntu-18.04


The associated scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License.