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Mark Weiman edited this page Feb 17, 2017 · 3 revisions

This extension provides three functions, alpm_vercmp(), alpm_version(), and php_alpm_version().


  • Parameters: Two, a (string) and b (string)
  • Returns: -1 if a is newer, 0 if both newer, 1 if b is newer
  • Example:
echo alpm_vercmp("1.2.4-1", "1.5.3-2"); /* 1 */
echo alpm_vercmp("1:1.5.2-1", "6.22.3-2"); /* -1 */
echo alpm_vercmp("1.2-1", "1.2-1"); /* 0 */


  • Parameters: None
  • Returns: Version of libalpm installed on the machine (String)
  • Example:
echo alpm_version(); /* echos "10.0.1" as of 2016-07-25 on an up to date Arch Linux system */


  • Parameters: None
  • Returns: Version of this extension (String)
  • Example
echo php_alpm_version() /* echos "0.1" */
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