Ruby wrapper for the Xing API.
[sudo] gem install xing
Xing's API uses Oauth for authentication. Luckily, the Xing gem hides most of the gory details from you.
require 'rubygems'
require 'xing'
# Visit the [XING Developer Portal]( to get your API keys.
client = => 'your_consumer_key', :consumer_secret => 'your_consumer_secret')
rtoken = client.request_token.token
rsecret = client.request_token.secret
# to test from your desktop, open the following url in your browser
# and record the pin it gives you
=> "<generated_token>"
# then fetch your access keys
client.authorize_from_request(rtoken, rsecret, pin)
=> ["xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"] # <= save these for future requests
# or authorize from previously fetched access keys
client.authorize_from_access("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy")
# you're now free to move about the cabin, call any API method
# get the profile for the authenticated user
# get a profile for someone found in network via ID
client.profile(:id => '17474922_3b6fca')