BashDBMS is a lightweight Database Management System (DBMS) implemented in Bash scripting. It provides basic functionalities to manage databases and tables
1- Database Operations
- Create a database
- List all databases
- Connect to a database
- Drop a database
2- Table Operations
- Create a table
- List tables in the connected database
- Drop a table
- Insert a record into a table
- Select all records from a table
- Update a record in a table by ID
- Delete a record from a table by ID
1- Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
cd DBMS-bash
2- Run script:
On Windows:
If you are using Git Bash, open the Git Bash terminal and navigate to the cloned directory.Run:
chmod +x ./
If you have Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) installed, you can follow the Linux instructions.
On Linux or macOS:
chmod +x
- This DBMS is a lightweight script and may not cover advanced database features.