Created by Stanislav Kadlcik
- audio input
- scrolling audio
- contraction, expansion
- create new tracks
- Support CTRL + C, CTRL + V, CTRL + X
- view audio transcript (*.lbf files)
- audio Playback
- drag & drop
- saving project to server (JSON format)
The server part is dependent on MongoDB and NodeJS. NodeJS is needed to start up when running MongoDB start MongoDB: mongod (if there is a folder /data/db or c:\data\db)
Start node.js: node node-server.js The application listens on port 8090
- Node.js
- Blueimp jquery file upload
- Backbone
- Underscore
- JQuery
- Require.js
- Node-ffprobe
- Express
- MongoDB
Need to change the server address in the file index.html (lines 14, 16 and 28)
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported