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Configuration options

Peter Krautzberger edited this page Jun 3, 2016 · 5 revisions

The MathJax-node API has two sets of configuration options.


The config method is used to set global configuration options.

  displayMessages: false, // determines whether Message.Set() calls are logged
  displayErrors:   true, // determines whether error messages are shown on the console
  undefinedCharError: false, // determines whether unknown characters are saved in the error array
  extensions: '', // a convenience option to add MathJax extensions
  fontURL: '', // for webfont urls in the CSS for HTML output
  MathJax: { } // options MathJax configuration, see

Changes to these options require a restart of the API using the start() method.

typset(options, callback)

The typeset method expects a configuration object and a callback the following configuration options.

  ex: 6,                          // ex-size in pixels
  width: 100,                     // width of container (in ex) for linebreaking and tags
  useFontCache: true,             // use <defs> and <use> in svg output?
  useGlobalCache: false,          // use common <defs> for all equations?
  linebreaks: false,              // do linebreaking?
  equationNumbers: "none",        // or "AMS" or "all"

  math: "",                       // the math to typeset
  format: "TeX",                  // the input format (TeX, inline-TeX, AsciiMath, or MathML)
  xmlns: "mml",                   // the namespace to use for MathML

  html: false,                    // generate HTML output?
  css: false,                     // generate CSS for HTML output?
  mml: false,                     // generate mml output?
  svg: false,                     // generate svg output?

  speakText: false,               // add spoken annotations to svg output?
  speakRuleset: "mathspeak",      // set speech ruleset (default (chromevox rules), mathspeak)
  speakStyle: "default",          // set speech style (mathspeak:  default, brief, sbrief)

  timeout: 10 * 1000,             // 10 second timeout before restarting MathJax

Result object

MathJax-node returns an object in the callback with (at most) the following structure:

  mml:             // a string of MathML markup if requested
  svg:             // a string of SVG markup if requested
  state: {         // if useGlobalCache is set
           glyphs: //  a collection of glyph data
           defs :  // a string containing SVG def elements
  style:           // a string of CSS inline style if SVG requested
  html:            // a string of HTML markup if requested
  css:             // a string of CSS if HTML was requested
  speakText:       // a string of speech text if requested
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