This organization is the home of projects related to Matter, a modern ECS (Entity Component System) for Roblox. Our focus is on fostering open collaboration, innovation, and the continual evolution of Matter to meet the dynamic needs of developers.
The organization represents the next chapter in our journey with Matter. It is a fork building upon the solid foundation of the original Matter project. This decision was made to ensure the project's continuous growth, autonomy in development, and responsiveness to community feedback and needs.
As maintainers, @LastTalon and @Ukendio are committed to maintaining the spirit and integrity of the original vision while steering the project towards new ideas and goals. Our focus is on broadening horizons, exploring fresh possibilities, and deepening community engagement.
Matter was originally created by @evaera, whose vision and dedication laid the foundation for a robust and versatile ECS framework. This project stands as a testament to her pioneering work in the Roblox development community.