Prototype of the Holon web application
First copy the .env.example to .env.local. You don't have to change anything inside the .env file:
cp frontend/.env.example frontend/.env.local
cp backend/.env.example backend/.env.local
- note: If you decide to make some changes to the .env files, restart the docker containers.
docker-compose up -d
Everything should be build automatically. After everything is done, the envoriments are available at:
frontend: localhost:3000
backend: localhost:8000
For the frontend Prettier and EsLint is used. Make sure you installed these extenstions in your VSCode.
Name: ESLint
Id: dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
Description: Integrates ESLint JavaScript into VS Code.
Publisher: Microsoft
VS Marketplace Link:
Name: Prettier - Code formatter
Id: esbenp.prettier-vscode
Description: Code formatter using prettier
Publisher: Prettier
VS Marketplace Link:
If you want for example do an Django migration, you have to that inside of the container
docker-compose exec [container_name] [command]
docker-compose exec backend python migrate
To see the data that is saved in the database, you can take a look in the admin. To do so, you have to create a local superuseraccount:
docker-compose exec backend python createsuperuser
After finishing all the steps, you can login on localhost:8000/admin