Hi! Please see my personal web site for more information about me.
To do my part to help maintain healthy competition among software forges, I usually host my important projects in places other than GitHub when I have a free choice. Consequently, my GitHub profile presents a very incomplete picture of my work. Please see the full list of projects on my personal web site.
For security reasons, I use separate GitHub accounts for work related to some of my jobs:
@mattmccutchen-amazon: Amazon (former)
@mattmccutchen-cci: Correct Computation (former)
@mattmccutchen-google: Google (former)
@mattmccutchen-microsoft: Microsoft (former)
Please use the active accounts above where applicable (I may no longer be monitoring the former accounts) and @mattmccutchen for everything else. For company confidential information, be sure to follow the company's policies about putting it on GitHub at all, and if you do, use the correct account. Otherwise, don't worry too much about borderline cases; I can redirect things as needed. Thanks!