Emulator and debugger for my 6502 single board computer.
Based on fake6502.
- Read and write memory locations
- Partial emulation of 6522 VIA
- Partial emulation of 6551 ACIA
- Interact with ACIA over a virtual serial port
- Step through code line-by-line or run to an optional breakpoint
- Built in (buggy but functional) disassembler
$ ./mm6502 -b ~/code/6502/ehbasic/rom.bin info:acia.c:65:acia at 4000 on /dev/pts/6 info:memory.c:7:init memory segment 0000-ffff info:memory.c:7:init memory segment 8000-ffff info:memory.c:28:loading /home/matt/code/6502/ehbasic/rom.bin to 8000 info:repl.c:138:cpu reset pc=a866 f=-z---- a=00 x=00 y=00 s=00fd a866: cld ; d8 ? r 807f pc=807f f=cz-dv- a=40 x=00 y=00 s=00ff 807f: lda 11 ; a5 11 ? m 10 0010: f2 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ? z 807f: lda 11 ; a5 11 8081: ldy 12 ; a4 12 8083: cpy #05 ; c0 05 8085: bcc 97 ; 90 97 8087: sta 85 ; 85 85 8089: sty 86 ; 84 86 808b: sta 81 ; 85 81 808d: sty 82 ; 84 82 808f: ldy #00 ; a0 00 8091: ldx #04 ; a2 04 8093: sty 79 ; 84 79 8095: stx 7a ; 86 7a 8097: tya ; 98 8098: sta (e679),y ; 91 79 e6 809b: adc 9820,y ; 79 20 98 809e: dey ; 88