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Argument Configuration

mauricelambert edited this page Feb 16, 2023 · 5 revisions

Argument configuration


JSON configuration:

    "config_delete_user": {
        "args": "config_delete_user_args"

    "config_delete_user_args": {
        "id": "arg_id"

    "arg_id": {
        "list": false,
        "input": false,
        "example": "55",
        "is_advanced": true,
        "html_type": "number",
        "default_value": null,
        "predefined_values": null,
        "javascript_section": "javascript_id",
        "description": "User ID (must be unique)"

    "javascript_id": {
        "step": "0.002"

INI configuration:

args=auth_args                                                                                 # The arguments are defined in section named "auth_args"

--username=arg_username                                                                        # Add a configuration section ("arg_username") for the argument named "--username"

html_type=text                                                                                 # Define the HTML input type for this argument
description=Your username (to log in)                                                          # Short description to help users
default_value                                                                                  # Add default value
predefined_values                                                                              # To build a list box (<select> in HTML) with a list of values
example=user                                                                                   # Add example (placeholder in HTML)
list=false                                                                                     # Only one username, if true the user can add usernames (as much as the user wants)
input=false                                                                                    # To send the argument in STDIN (interactive mode)
javascript_section=javascript_username                                                         # Define the Javascript section

title=Your username (to log in)                                                                # Add a title on the input (javascript attribute is "title")
  1. In the script section, add the args configuration to define the name of the arguments section
  2. Create your arguments section
  3. Add all arguments by argument name for this script (if argument name starts with -, it will be added in the command line) and set the section section of the argument.
  4. Create your argument section and add your argument configurations


  • html_type: the HTML type is the input type define here (not required, default is text)
  • description: a short description to help users (not required)
  • default_value: a default value for the argument (not required)
  • predefined_values: to add a select object (a list box) for a choice between some values (not required, if define the html_type is not used)
  • example: add an example for the value (not required)
  • list: if defined as true the user can add values (as much as the user wants) (not required, default is false)
  • input: if defined as true value(s) will be send in stdin (user input, interactive mode) (not required, default is false)
  • is_advanced: if set as true the html input will be hidden by default, users can click the show advanced arguments button to print hidden inputs (not required, default is false)
  • javascript_section: set the section name to define javascript attributes and values
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