My recommended developer machine setup for a new mac Generally, I prefer to use a free/open-source software if there's one available.
- Browser - ARC / Chrome
- Raycast - A Spotlight killer - Raycast [
brew install --cask raycast
] - Clipboard Manager - Maccy
- Multi monitor control. Easily move windows between monitors. - Rectangle
- Snapping tool (Images/Vider) Monosnap
- Another Video recording tool. This is allow you to narrate what you're showing. Using this for async work with my team for a bit more complex stuff than just a simple short video. Loom
- Code editor - IntelliJ
- thefuck : A great tool for accidental typers 'brew install thefuck'
- btop : A better top app 'brew install btop'
- fzg : A Fuzzy finder 'brew install fzf'
- brew package manager for mac, just type this in your terminal
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
- iTerm
brew install --cask iterm2
- zshell
brew install zsh
- oh-my-zsh
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
- Fig -
brew install --cask fig
( - git
brew install git
- gnupg to sign your git commits
brew install gnupg