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Investment Portfolio

This java application was developed for an introductory java course at the University of Guelph.

Project purpose: A tool that can keep track of mutual fund & stock investments in a GUI format

Assumptions & Limitations:

  • This program does not keep track of cash collected outside of the portfolio.
  • This program uses one data file, investments.csv to store data. It is the default file the program is started with
  • This program will have unexpected results when passed in a csv file that does not follow the expected format of [stock/mutualfund],symbol,full name,quantity,price,book value

User guide: Open project in netbeans & compile the file You will see a GUI open up. Use the commands button in the menu bar to swap in between interfaces. The interfaces available are:

  • Buy : Screen to buy and/or update investments
  • Sell : Screen to sell existing investments
  • Update : Screen to look through investments and update their prices
  • Get Gain : Screen to get the individual gains of investments, along with the total gain of the portfolio
  • Search : Screen to search for an investment via certain user-defined filters

Possible improvements:

  • Modularizing code in the file
  • Keeping JFrame component in tact upon resizing

Test Plan:

To test the code I did the following:

Loaded in the following investments.csv file:

stock,HBC,Hudsons Bay company,100,11.21,1130.99 stock,BMO,Bank of Montreal,20,99.56,2001.19 stock,RY,Royal Bank of Canada,10,100.45,1014.49 stock,GOOG,Alphabet Inc.,5,1063.29,5336.43 mutualfund,CIG677,CI Signature Select,5,28.57,142.85 mutualfund,CIGYX,AB concentrated international growth portfolio,3,11.88,35.64


  • Does the initial welcome screen clearly define how to use the program
  • Does the commands menu switch interfaces properly
  • Does the program quit upon clicking the quit button


  • Try to buy an investment with no fields filled in
  • Try to buy an investment with a permutation of fields in, with others left out
  • Try to buy an investment with a negative value in the quantity, or price fields
  • Try to buy an investment that already exists: Does the investment name field auto-fill? Can you buy more investments than there exist for that investment?
  • Attempting to edit the messages text area
  • See if the reset button clears all the text fields
  • See if you can buy a mutual fund and stock with the same investment symbols


  • Try to sell an investment without any fields filled in
  • Try to sell an investment with and without certain fields filled in (attempt all permuations)
  • Try to sell an investment at a negative price and/or negative quantity
  • Try to sell an investment which doesn't exist in the portfolio
  • Try to sell more of an investmnet than actually exist
  • See if the reset button clears the text fields
  • Try editing the messages area in the sell interface
  • See if the format of the messages area is conscise and clear


  • Does the prev button grey out when on the lowest end of the investments list
  • Does the next button grey out when at the highest end of the investments list
  • Does the price of the investment dispaly correctly
  • Does channging the investment price, and clicking the save button update the price
  • The messages area should be non-editable and view only
  • Does the symbol, ex. HBC, display the correct parallel name, ex. Hudson's Bay Company?


  • Is the gain calculated properly. It should be the sum of all individual gains
  • Are individual gains calculated properly? Look at assignment description to determine this on a per case basis
  • Do the investments display with their symbol, associated name, and positive/negative gain
  • Check if the total gain field is greyed out


  • Try to search for all investments with no fields filled in. All investments should display
  • Try to edit the search reults text area. It should be non-editable
  • Check to see if the reset button clears all text fields

:Search by symbol

  • If searching just by symbol, one investment should be displayed in the messages area. Is this the correct investment?

:Search by keywords

  • If searching just by keywords, try one word first, then two, then three. The more words you input the smaller the search results should be across a large collection of investments.
  • The keywords should be seperated by space
  • What happens if a keyword is inputted that doesn't have a match. Are any search results displayed. There shouldn't be any returning

:Search by low price

  • If only the low price is inputted, ex. 100, only investments with a price of 100 and up should be displayed
  • What happens when you input non-numeric input into the field. It should not be allowed

:Search by high price

  • If only the high price is inputted, ex. 100, only investments with a price of 100 and down should be displayed
  • What happens when you input non-numeric input into the field. It should not be allowed

:Search by a combination of low price and high price

  • If both the high price and low price are the same number, the resulting search should only display investments with exactly that price
  • If both the high price and low price are different, the resulting search should only display investments with a price inbetween the high and low rage

:Search by a combination of the above

  • Check to see if any combination of the above delivers expected results


  • Try to quit the program from all possible interfaces
  • See if the program saves it's state onto the disk(investments.csv)


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