This project was created to satisfy FreeCodeCamp's Javascript Libraries certification. It's a drum kit that is both keyboard and touch responsive, playing 9 different drum sounds when the keys are pressed.
- Create React App
- GH-Pages
- Bootstrap
This project was created to satisfy FreeCodeCamp's Javascript Libraries test project. It required me to use one or more of the front-end libraries taught through this section of the course. While they use Codepen as the final output of the project for testing, I generally start with Create React App on my localhost to complete the coding part, keeping all the code in the index.js. This allows me to test and work with the code in a stable environment. When I'm ready, I transfer the code to a Codepen pen for testing and completion of the project. It also allows me to push the project to a Github repo.
I opted for MaterializeCSS since it offers more color options and because I didn't need as many components. I used a map function for the drum buttons, including the letter, sound name, and sound file as part of the map. I had built a similar drum kit for Javascript 30, but transferring it to React let me expand my knowledge of intereacting with DOM elements as well as adding mobile touch to the app.
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