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Minimum boilerplate lib and pattern for Free/Coproduct/Inject based applications


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ComposeFree is a small lib inspired by Runars Composable Application Architecture which minimizes the boilerplate required to build an application based on a coproduct of Free DSLs.

To use it, include in build.sbt

resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("bondlink", "composefree")

libraryDependencies += "bondlink" %% "composefree" % "6.1.1"

Basic use is a pared down version of the manual process, with the following high level steps:

  • Define DSLs as sealed families of case classes
  • Define interpreters for DSLs as natural transformations
  • Define the application Coproduct type for your composed DSLs
  • Create an instance of ComposeFree[YourApplicationType] and import it

For example, let's say we wanted to combine a simple Console DSL with the Pure DSL provided in the ComposeFree lib.

First we define an ADT for our Console operations, and pattern match it in a natural transformation to an effectful monad.

import cats._

sealed trait ConsoleOps[A]
case class print(s: String) extends ConsoleOps[Unit]

object RunConsole extends (ConsoleOps ~> Id) {
  def apply[A](op: ConsoleOps[A]) = op match {
    case print(s) => println(s)

Now we need a natural transformation for the Pure dsl.

import composefree.puredsl._

object RunPure extends (PureOp ~> Id) {
  def apply[A](op: PureOp[A]) = op match {
    case pure(a) => a

Then we can define the coproduct type for our application, and obtain our ComposeFree instance.

import composefree.{ComposeFree, ComposeFreeSyntax}

object Program {
  type Program[A] = EitherK[ConsoleOps, PureOp, A]

object compose extends ComposeFree[Program.Program] with ComposeFreeSyntax[Program.Program]

Last we will create an interpreter for our program type by combining our individual interpreters.

import compose._

val interp = RunConsole |: RunPure

And finally we can define a program and execute it.

val prog1: compose.Composed[Unit] =
  for {
    s <- pure("Hello world!").as[PureOp]
    // use of .as[T] helper to cast as super type is
    // required for operations with type parameters that cannot be
    // implicitly converted to the correct coproduct member type
    _ <- print(s)
  } yield ()
// prog1: Free[[_$8 >: Nothing <: Any] => RecNode[Program, _$8], Unit] = FlatMapped(
//   c = Suspend(a = EitherK(run = Right(value = pure(a = "Hello world!")))),
//   f = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$$Lambda/0x000000e804891218@6687c3aa
// )

// Hello world!

Composite commands can be defined in individual DSLs and mixed into larger programs as follows.

object PureComposite {
  import compose.lift._

  def makeTuple(s1: String, s2: String): Free[PureOp, (String, String)] =
    for {
      a <- pure(s1).as[PureOp].liftF
      b <- pure(s2).as[PureOp].liftF
    } yield (a, b)

import Program._

val prog2 = for {
  s <- PureComposite.makeTuple("Hello", "World!").as[Program].op
  _ <- print(s._1)
  _ <- print(s._2)
} yield ()
// prog2: Free[[_$8 >: Nothing <: Any] => RecNode[Program, _$8], Unit] = FlatMapped(
//   c = FlatMapped(
//     c = FlatMapped(
//       c = FlatMapped(
//         c = FlatMapped(
//           c = Suspend(a = EitherK(run = Right(value = pure(a = "Hello")))),
//           f =$$Lambda/0x000000e8048b39e0@440856c6
//         ),
//         f = cats.StackSafeMonad$$Lambda/0x000000e8048b72b0@335a7829
//       ),
//       f =$$Lambda/0x000000e8048b39e0@3bc225c8
//     ),
//     f = cats.StackSafeMonad$$Lambda/0x000000e8048b72b0@46f26d21
//   ),
//   f = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$$Lambda/0x000000e8048b50a8@40cabd5f
// )

// Hello
// World!


Minimum boilerplate lib and pattern for Free/Coproduct/Inject based applications







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