PortBros is an interactive web interface that allocates ships efficiently to PSA ports. The carbon emissions at these ports are significant due to the large amounts of emissions from prime movers, marine vessles and large cranes. Portbros aim to reduce the amount of carbon emissions by improving the allocation of resources and ships within and across ports. Our web interface will serve to provide the following benefits:
- A resillient and reliable method of berth allocation
- Efficient allocation of manpower to tasks at berths
- Concise overview of berth ship allocations and berth activities
- Rik Lim
- Markus Lim
- Dayn Ang
- Ryan Peh
Our project is the answer to the following problem statement. The proposed solution involves the following steps:
- A supervisor can first log into the website using his authenticated ID
- A user can then optimise berth allocation to ships based on a weight combination of several KPIs
- By clicking into a berth, PortBros allows users to view an overall berth schedule for various berths through a schedule table
- PortBros also allows for a granular view of all activities occuring at each berth and which to priortise along with incoming vessels
The application is powered by Artificial Intelligence. We used the k-repeated hill-climbing algorithm with randomness factored in to optimise for our chosen heuristic.