¿Cómo vamos? is an application to keep track of solved problems by different users on online programming judges.
- git clone the project.
- Edit the config/database.yml as appropiated.
- Edit the SMTP server configuration in config/environment.rb
- rake db:migrate the database.
- Start the server. That’s it!
- Access the server using ssh
- git clone the project into a non-public folder
- Make sure the shebangs of files public/dispatch.cgi, public/dispatch.fcgi and public/dispatch.rb are correct.
- Edit the SMTP configuration in config/environment.rb
- Change the environment into production:
- Run rake environment RAILS_ENV=production
- Uncomment the line ENV[‘RAILS_ENV’] ||= ‘production’ in config/environment.rb
- Create the production database using phpMyAdmin or whatever.
- Edit the production section in config/database.yml as appropiated.
- Migrate the database by running rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
- Make sure there is a .htaccess inside public/ This file should redirect petitions into the cgi dispatcher (A default .htaccess is included).
- Make a symbolic link into public/ that is accessible from the net, for example, ln -sf ~/como_vamos/public ~/www/como_vamos
- That’s it! Point your browswer to to the symbolic link created on the previous step.
This application is runing on http://comovamos.factorcomun.org