Base16 for prompt-toolkit (and ipython!)
Clone and pip install this, or put it somewhere such that the directory base16
is in (or at least is symlinked from) your PYTHONPATH
Then import your preferred theme using importlib
theme = importlib.import_module('base16.base16-default-dark')
Here is a complete example that configures ipython with default-dark
theme = importlib.import_module('base16.base16-default-dark')
c.TerminalInteractiveShell.highlighting_style = theme.Base16Style
c.TerminalInteractiveShell.highlighting_style_overrides = theme.overrides
This is how it looks side-to-side with vim base16:
I strived to make prompt-toolkit themes resemble vim themes as much as possible, but not all syntax categories of vim are present in prompt-toolkit.
That's it!