Please note that this repository is not maintained anymore and will be made private to Meniga no later than on 31 december 2023. It is suggested that those using this repository will either fork it or find another tool that provides the same functionality
A tool to simplify development in a dart multi-package repository.
Currently, it supports following commands:
Activate moronepo
pub global activate moronepo
or prepend each command with flutter
if used:
flutter pub global activate moronepo
Now it should be possible to run moronepo
moronepo [--filter <filter>] [--project <name>] [--working-directory <path>] <command>
where filter
is a comma-separated list of filters hasTests,isFlutter,isRoot
Each filter can be negated by preceding it with a !
, for example !isFlutter
You can also follow how to set up a global command
to make it available as a regular shell command by appending PATH
moronepo print
or creating an alias instead:
alias moronepo="flutter pub global run moronepo"
moronepo print
moronepo print
moronepo run <command>
For example:
moronepo run pub get
Specifying environment.flutter
in pubspec.yaml
name: project
flutter: ">=1.10.0 <1.11.0"
and then running:
moronepo update-flutter-sdk
forces an update to the Flutter SDK to the latest version within those constraints.