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ICBINDx11Drv: I can't believe it's not D3D11Drv!

Metallicafan212’s Farm-Raised Open Source DirectX 11 Renderer. image

This repository contains a working (albeit a bit messy) DX11 renderer for HP2 New Engine, Old Unreal UT 469, and in the future, for more UE1 games as well. Currently in an alpha stage, as it does need more testing, but it's largely complete and has a lot of end-user customizable, in the editor and the game. Parts are based on how the DX9 renderer works, but have been heavily modified by myself. The only part copied "wholesale" from DX9 is the projection setup, as it actually works. Eventually, I will be recoding the projection setup so that it uses the standard DirectX math libraries, but for now, this works.

TL;DR, Pls gib latest release

Current state

This renderer works great, and on specific systems or games, runs 10% to 30% faster than the DX9 renderer. Lots of different settings for the user to change, and mess with. Exclusive features like line thickness and super resolution (ResolutionScale setting).

What this renderer does

Everything the DX9 renderer does in HP2 (RT textures, distance fog, all standard rendering, on-screen fast string drawing using D2D, etc.). Full UnrealEd support including all line drawing routines, selection, user-customizable 3D and 2D line thickness options, etc. Full UnrealEd browser support, including the texture and mesh browser.

What this renderer does not

Raytracing, external texture loading, support other games (yet).

What's missing to support other games?

The full (base) UE1 rendering interface is implemented and working. UT469 and HP2 specific extensions are also implemented. Specific game extensions (Rune, DX) are not implemented, but are planned.


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This will require the Windows 10 SDK for building, but should run under Windows 7 SP1 (with the platform update).

Tools I used: Visual Studio 2022 (for the C++ code), Notepad++ for HLSL. Any syntax errors in the HLSL code is an instant crash in this driver right now, be warned. In the future, I'll handle errors more gracefully.

Currently, this is only able to be built for UT 469 only, other games are unimplemented and the HP2 new engine does not have public headers to allow for support. My recommendation, if you want to help improve it, is use the UT469 public SDK as a stable development platform.

Shaders are currently configured to point to ..\Shaders, next to Sounds, Textures, etc. I did this because I want to eventually support user created HLSL code for HP2, but for ports, this might be annoying. So, in the shader header (UnD3DShader.h), the path can be quickly changed by modifying the macro SHADER_FOLDER.

In the future, I might make this a config var.


Contributing is welcomed! If you wish to port this to other UE1 games, fork it, make the modifications in your fork, and submit a merge request. I will review and edit as needed.

My only requirement: if you make code comments, please attach your github username to them (like I have for mine). It makes it easier to identify where the code came from to identify a person to ask/”blame” for it (including myself 😃). If this is a problem for people, I can discuss it, I just want to keep it clean, readable, and able to be maintained, as this won’t be a fork, but the main code in the HP2 version. That means: anything that breaks HP2 will be removed, reviewed, or put behind a preprocessor macro by myself.

If you're adding a new rendering function (such as DrawGouraudTriangle), add a new CPP file with the changes. This way, the whole file can be ignored if it's not relevant to the game. Rune, for example, has fog surface drawing.

For this purpose, I have placed this under the MIT license, so that people can come, fork, or even make new versions. I wouldn’t be here today without the excellent open source projects for Unreal, so I want to give back as much as possible.

For other games, I would like to use a standard set of defines. These may be subject to change, but they need to be kept standardized to make building for other games easy. Let me know here or on discord if these should be changed/added to.

Game Define
UT99 DX11_UT_99
Old Unreal UT99 DX11_UT_469
Old Unreal 227 DX11_UNREAL_227
HP1 DX11_HP1
Rune DX11_RUNE
Deus Ex DX11_DX
HP2 All undefined, aka: the default state.
A macro has been made to make explcit testing this possible

Contact Me

My discord username is @metallicafan212 and I'm in the Old Unreal discord server ( and in the HP Modding server ( For HP specific questions/problems, it would best to contact me in the HP modding server, otherwise I can take questiosn here or in the Old Unreal server.

Donations? DONATIONS?!?!?!?!?!?

No, this isn't required, nor expected. Nowhere will you see me shilling for a Patreon or a Paypal in the code. If you do, then it’s a scam. I’m very against thrusting donation/payment links against the user, especially overwriting the clipboard contents. This is the only place I will be placing a Paypal link since some people have requested it. This isn't a "pay me to work on this" either; I will work on it regardless, this is basically just a tipbox. If you're financially struggling, please do not donate, I will be very sad.