Taken from WindowsでCircleCIのローカル環境を動かす.
circleci config validate
circleci local execute build
If you see an error like this,
Unexpected environment preparation error: Error response from daemon: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: unable to apply cgroup configuration: cannot enter cgroupv2 "/sys/fs/cgroup/docker/06cde53c90d3f18839155790414d54f3e2f1d0696bf185fb9c10f67bb767caf5/0bd643378bd12aa320a826d6c50f9de5d846278e3cdaae91ec70b1e25f51c4c7" with domain controllers -- it is in an invalid state: unknown
Step failed
Task failed
this can be solved by changing deprecatedCgroupv1
to be true in ~/Library/Group Containers/group.com.docker/settings.json'
(suggested in ktr11/booster#36).