yarn add @mhio/pinky
npm i @mhio/pinky
delay(ms) ⇒ Promise
delay for ms
delayFrom(ts, ms) ⇒ Promise
Delay from a timestamp for milliseconds
delayTo(ts) ⇒ Promise
Delay until a timestamp milliseconds
map(iterator, asyncFn) ⇒ Promise.<Array>
map an async function across an iterable
mapSeries(iterator, asyncFn) ⇒ Promise.<Array>
map an async function in series across an iterable
mapConcurrent(iterator_in, asyncFn, concurrent_num) ⇒ Promise.<Array>
Use n workers to resolve a function across an iterable. (via .mapSeries) Resulting array is in worker order, then work started order, so doesn't match initial order.
firstWithoutError(iterable) ⇒ Promise
Run a bunch of promises, if the first fails return the next until all promises have been checked. All promises start resolving immediately.
firstInSeriesWithoutError(iterable) ⇒ Promise
Run a bunch of promises in series, if the one fails move onto the next.
allProps(obj) ⇒ object
Resolve all promises in an object
Create a promise and return the promise,resolve and reject Allows you to resolve/reject the promise out of the promise scope
waitFor(timeout_ms, condition_fn, options) ⇒ object
Wait until a timestamp for some condition function to become truthey. Can be an async or standard function
const { delay, mapSeries } = require('@mhio/pinky')
import { delay, mapSeries } from '@mhio/pinky'
async function go(){
const waits = [ 60, 10, 50, 5, 35, 19 ]
const res = await mapSeries(waits, async (ms) => {
console.log('wait ms', ms)
await delay(ms)
return ms
mhio 2022