Command line tool to annotate with a standard naming miRNAs e isomiRs.
This tool adapt the miRNA GFF3 format agreed on here:
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Everybody is welcome to contribute, fork the devel
branch and start working!
If you are interesting in miRNA or small RNA analysis, you can jump into the incubator issue pages to propose/ask or say hi:
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conda install mirtop -c bioconda
pip install mirtop
Thes best solution is to install conda to get an independent enviroment.
bash -b -p ~/mirtop_env
export PATH=$PATH:~/mirtop_env
conda install -c bioconda pysam pybedtools pandas biopython samtools
git clone
cd mirtop
python develop
Read complete commands at:
git clone mirtop
cd mirtop/data
mirtop gff --sps hsa --hairpin examples/annotate/hairpin.fa --gtf examples/annotate/hsa.gff3 -o test_out sim_isomir.bam
The mirtop gff
generates the GFF3 adapted format to capture miRNA variations. The output is explained here.
- Lorena Pantano (Bioinformatic Core, Harvard Chan School, Boston, USA)
- Shruthi Bhat Bandyadka (Partners Personalized Medicine, Cambridge MA, USA)
- Iñaki Martínez de Ilarduya(HPC core, IGTP, Badalona, Spain)
- Rafael Alis
- Victor Barrera (Bioinformatic Core, Harvard Chan School, Boston, USA)
- Steffen Möller (University of Rostock)
- Kieran O'Neill
- [Roderic Espin](Universitat Oberta de Barcelona)
Here we cite any person who has contribute somehow to the project different than through code development and/or bioinformatic concepts.
Gianvito Urgese, Jan Oppelt(CEITEC Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic), Thomas Desvignes, Bastian, Kieran O'Neill (BC Cancer), Charles Reid (University of California Davis), Radhika Khetani (Harvard Chan School of Public Health), Shannan Ho Sui (Harvard Chan School of Public Health), Simonas Juzenas(CAU), Rafael Alis (Catholic University of Valencia), Aida Arcas (Instituto de Neurociencias (CSIC-UMH)), Yufei Lin (Harvard University), Victor Barrera(Harvard Chan School of Public Health), Marc Halushka (Johns Hopkins University)