This shows how to configure and use tilemaker and how to get input data.
Configuration files are tailored for use with MapBox. Here is demo showing how maps rendering look like with mapbox:
This repo is very much WIP-state.
Also the tilemaker repo itself has improved with out-of-the-box configuration, so this repo might be obsolete.
YOu can either build from source or download precompiled executable from GitHubs Continous Integration:
Go to last successful build, and at the bottom of the page you should see links to EXEcs (Artifacts).
First, you need to download OSM data EXTRACT in pbf format. Get it from here:
You need to extraxt .shp and .shx files.
Also, edit hab_admin.json file to update path to .shp file.
Tilemaker is executed from script. Take a look inside - the process is divided into layers, because tilemaker can be mem hungry. Besides, for me, it's easier to work that way ...
Example usage:
./ ./poland-latest.osm.pbf ./poland_tiles
You should get a poland_tiles directory with subdirs per each layer.
Download from
Copy/symlink tiles and fonts
sudo mkdir /var/www/html/osm
sudo chmod a+rwx /var/www/html/osm
cp ./static/index.html /var/www/html/osm/
sudo ln -s ./poland_tiles /var/www/html/osm/poland_tiles
sudo ln -s ./fonts /var/www/html/osm/fonts
to do - but look into
- fix server to actually serve some html (and not only tiles)
- fix html with comments and paths to OSM directiories