is a k-mer streaming tool that works one gene cluster at a time.
Starting from a list of annotated genome assemblies in GFF3 format and a gene presence absence matrix (as produced by
, panaroo
and ggCaller
generates a table with unique k-mer presence/absence patterns,
which can be used for genome-wide associations (GWAS) using tools
such as pyseer
Mapping of associated patterns to gene clusters and base resolution mapping of k-mers can be then achieved with the other two outputs of panfeed
Advantages of this approach over the generation of k-mers from a global de Bruijn
graph include a lower chance of encountering artifacts
due to repetitive regions and easier interpretations and visualization of results.
Sommer, H., Djamalova, D., & Galardini, M. (2023). Reduced ambiguity and improved interpretability of bacterial genome-wide associations using gene-cluster-centric k-mers. Microbial Genomics, 9(11), 001129. 10.1099/mgen.0.001129
can be installed using pip
python3 -m pip install panfeed
Or through conda
(or mamba
to speed things up):
conda create -n panfeed -c bioconda panfeed
Alternatively, we provide a conda
recipe to create an environment
named panfeed
. Download the
environment file
and then run:
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate panfeed
We reccommend a two-pass approach when using panfeed
; the first pass generates the
presence/absence matrix for all k-mers across all gene clusters. After the association
analysis is completed, the panfeed-get-clusters
command can be used to list the gene
clusters with k-mers passing the desired significance threshold, and a second pass of
can be run on those gene clusters alone to generate a base-level mapping of
all k-mers across samples for fine-mapping and visualization purposes.
The main advantage of the two-pass approach is a significant reduction in storage
requirements for the k-mer metadata file, and a slightly shorter computation time.
To run the first pass, prepare a folder with all GFF3 annotated assemblies files
(including the nucleotide sequences at the end of each file), with
file name in the format SAMPLE.gff
. Each sample name should have a matching column
in the gene clusters presence/absence file, which must follow the same format as those
generated by panaroo
(i.e. gene_presence_absence.csv
Then run the following command, which will include 100 bases upstream and
downstream of each gene cluster:
panfeed -g gffs -p gene_presence_absence.csv -o panfeed1 --upstream 100 --downstream 100 --compress --cores 4
This will create three files in the panfeed1
: k-mers metadata file (empty for this pass)kmers_to_hashes.stv.gz
: file to match gene clusters, k-mer sequences and the hash for the respective presence/absence patternhashes_to_patterns.tsv.gz
: binary presence/absence matrix for all unique k-mer patterns (rows) across samples (columns)
The hashes_to_patterns.tsv.gz
file can be used to run a GWAS analysis
with a tool such as pyseer
, which will produce an output table
(e.g. pyseer.tsv
) with association
statistics for each pattern passing the basic filtering thresholds. This file can
then be used to retrieve the gene clusters that encode k-mers passing the desired
significance threshold:
panfeed-get-clusters -a pyseer.tsv -p panfeed1/kmers_to_hashes.stv.gz -t 1E-7 > gene_clusters.txt
The second pass of panfeed
can be then run focusing on the "interesting"
gene clusters and generating k-mers positional information across all samples:
ls gffs/ | sed 's/.gff//g' > samples.txt
panfeed -g gffs -p gene_presence_absence.csv -o panfeed2 --targets samples.txt --genes gene_clusters.txt --upstream 100 --downstream 100 --compress --cores 4
This time the kmers.tsv.gz
file will contain absolute and relative (to start codon) positional information
for each k-mer in all samples. This file can be then merged with the association results so that the
association statistics are paired with each k-mer and their position across samples:
panfeed-get-kmers -a pyseer.tsv -p kmers_to_hashes.tsv.gz -k kmers.tsv.gz | gzip > annotated_kmers.tsv.gz
Association results can be then visualized for each gene cluster with the following command,
which requires the phenotype file used for the association with pyseer
in the example command below):
panfeed-plot -k annotated_kmers.tsv.gz -p data.tsv
This command will generate three figures for each gene cluster:
: k-mers colors are proportional to their significance level, think one Manhatten plot for each samplesequence_CLUSTER.png
: k-mers are colored based on their nucleotide sequence, effectively generating a pseudo-alignmenthybrid_CLUSTER.png
: a combination of the two previous figures; k-mers color is based on their sequence, opacity is proportional to their significance level
Additionally, a file called sequence_legend.png
is created to indicate which color is associated to which nucleotide.
If your GFF files do not contain the nucleotide sequences, you can provide them to panfeed
as a separate argument, using -f fastas
. The fastas
folder should contain one file per sample
with the name format SAMPLE.fasta
or SAMPLE.fna
If you want the k-mers presence/absence patterns to encode differently the information on
whether a gene cluster is missing from a sample, use the --consider-missing
By default a missing gene cluster is encoded as 0
, same as a missing k-mer.
The visualization command has many arguments to fully customize the resulting plots; among them:
--phenotype-column PHENOTYPE
, will sort the plots by the provided phenotype value (descending order)--start -50 --stop 100 --sample 0.1
, will restrict the plot to 10% of samples and to the -50 to +100 region relative to the start codon- adding
to the above command will add the nucleotide letters to each plot
Note: this is a new functionality introduced in v1.6.0
If you are working with more than a few thousand input files, it is poor practice to have
all the inputs in a single directory (e.g. for performance reasons). Following what
other bioinformatic tools do to solve this issue, the --gff
and --fasta
can also be provided as "files-of-files", where the path to each input file is written
in each line.
The following packages and version have been used to develop and test panfeed